
The main focus for Strategic Partners in this Area of Involvement is to develop standards concerning the full spectrum of cargo initiatives and matters, in collaboration with airlines.

All Cargo Strategic Partnerships Summary

The All Cargo area is comprised of the following five boards: the Airmail Board (AMB) manages the development of standards related to airmail, including the data exchange and advanced formation. The Dangerous Goods Board (DGB) governs the development of standards and guidance related to the transport of dangerous goods by air, including lithium batteries, applicable across the complete supply chain. The Live Animals and Perishables Board (LAPB) handles the development of standards for the transport of live animals and perishables, including pharmaceuticals. The ULD Board (ULDB) and the Cargo Operations and Technology Board (COTB) and their subgroups oversee the development of standards and guidance related to digital cargo, technology and business processes.


  • Network with airlines and IATA specialists in the areas of dangerous goods, live animals, and perishable transportation
  • Receive updates on changes in regulations before they are made public
  • Meet with regulatory authorities that attend the meetings as observers
  • Participate in selected meetings with the aim of collaborating in standard setting activities


Dangerous Goods Board (DGB)

The DGB promotes the safe transport of dangerous goods by air. This is accomplished by establishing clear, concise, and practical procedures for shippers, freight forwarders, and airlines that address the packing, packaging, marking, labeling, and documentation required for dangerous goods consignments as well as the requirements for acceptance, handling, and carriage of dangerous goods by air. The Board meets twice per year to consider, develop, and review new developments in the international regulatory arena.

Dangerous Goods Training Working Groups (DGTWG)

The DGTWG reports to the Dangerous Goods Board to establish, review and update dangerous goods training standards using a competency-based training and assessment approach (CBTA). The contents thereof are current and fully aligned with the requirements specified in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.

Live Animals & Perishable Board (LAPB)

The LAPB develops criteria for the acceptance, handling and loading of live animals, perishables and healthcare cargo in air transportation, as outlined in the IATA Live Animals Regulations (LAR), the IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR) and the IATA Temperature Control Regulations (TCR). The regulations include provisions for the safety and quality of commodities while in the custody of IATA Airline Members and throughout the air transport supply chain.

Healthcare Cargo Working Group (HCWG)

The HCWG provides recommendations to the LAPB on the development of healthcare cargo transportation and handling standards. Specifically, these recommendations include the proposal of new or updated amendments to existing standards, recommended practices, guidance material on effective handling and transportation techniques, the proposal of training as well as developing and promoting sustainable practices aligned to the IATA sustainability framework and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Perishable Cargo Working Group (PCWG)

Similar to the scope of the HCWG, the PCWG provides recommendations to the LAPB on the development of perishable cargo transportation and handling standards.

Cargo Operations and Technology Board (COTB)

The objective of the COTB is to develop and maintain standards relating to the air cargo business as well as to ensure air cargo supply chain efficiency is enhanced by means of appropriate processes and operations and through automation and technology utilization. This includes procedures, documentation, flow of information, position statements, initiatives and projects.

Cargo Messaging Working Group (CMWG)

The objectives of the CMWG are to provide recommendations to the Cargo Operations and Technology Board (COTB) on XML requirements for transportation messages and on the maintenance of the standards as well as to oversee the technical development of these XML messages. 

Cargo Digital Connectivity Working Group (CDCWG)

The main goal is to provide recommendations to COTB on standards related to Digital Connectivity and the Recommended Practice 1687 (Digital Connectivity and Data Exchange Practice). In furtherance of its objective, the Working Group shall also strive to: act as a forum for the exchange of ideas and expertise for digital connectivity, facilitate the digital connectivity between the industry participants, support the development & implementation of industry data exchange standards, encourage the establishment & maintenance of a global network of inter-linked CCSs, promote the expansion of industry digital exchange across all modes of transport and related industries, standardize the digital connectivity procedures among the industry stakeholder, recognize leading edge developments in new technologies and tools, describe commonly associated terms, definitions and codes, educate industry on air cargo digital connectivity practices.

Interactive Cargo Task Force (ICTF)

The ICTF’s objective is to provide recommendations standards, processes, guidelines and procedures for communication and operations to enable air cargo to be interactive (e.g., standards to locate, monitor, send/receive notifications, respond) as well as to facilitate the safe and efficient use of connected devices in air cargo (to track, monitor, plan and control).

Digital Cargo Working Group (DCWG)

The objectives of the DCWG are to provide recommendations to the Cargo Operations and Technology Board (COTS) on the development of digital cargo standards, adoption plans and implementation guides. Specifically, these recommendations include: the development and enhancement of the ONE Record standards in particular on the API & Security topics and also on the data model maintenance and expansion, the e-AWB / e-freight industry adoption strategy and plan, specific expertise with regard to digital cargo processes, the definition of a ONE Record industry-wide adoption and rollout plan, taking into account the legacy e-freight infrastructure.

Airmail Board (AMB)

The Airmail Board (AMB) is responsible for all matters dealing with the movement of mail by air, with the exception of issues related to airmail rates and charges. AMB works closely with international organizations such as the Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the International Post Corporation (IPC). Members of the AMB are also members of the joint working group IATA-UPU Contact Committee, which works under the umbrella of the IATA-UPU Memorandum of Understanding.

Focus Areas

  • Airmail
  • Cargo Operations and Technology
  • Live Animals & Perishables
  • Dangerous Good
  • Time & Temperature sensitive goods
  • Healthcare Cargo
  • Unit Load Devices (ULDs)

Designed for

  • Air cargo service providers
  • Air cargo terminal handlers
  • Pharmaceutical companies

Please view the full list of Strategic Partnerships Program benefits (pdf).