Asia Pacific Digest
  • Cargo
1 December 2022

Asiana Airlines, Seoul Air Cargo and LX Pantos receive CEIV Fresh certification at inaugural Korea Air Cargo Day

Asiana Airlines, Seoul Air Cargo and LX Pantos have received IATA’s Center of Excellence for Independent Validators (CEIV) Fresh certification for the handling of perishable cargo. This means that these companies are competent in the transport, handling and management of time and temperature sensitive perishable shipment.

The three companies are participants of Incheon International Airport Corporation’s (IIAC) CEIV Fresh airport community. IIAC had previously launched a CEIV Pharma airport community certification program in 2019.

The presentation of the CEIV Fresh Certification took place on 22 November 2022 at the inaugural Korea Air Cargo Day hosted by IATA and the Korea International Freight Forwarders Association. The event was attended by 150 participants.

The Korea Air Cargo Day is part of IATA’s efforts to engage the air cargo communities across the Asia-Pacific region and provide them with updates on the latest regulatory requirements, national air cargo priorities and standards. Regulators, industry experts and air cargo partitioners at the event shared best practices and exchanged ideas to promote efficiency, safety and digitalization. Air Cargo Days were held in Indonesia and the Philippines earlier in November.

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