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Customized for interline billing

Revenue Accounting Tax Database (RATD) streamlines the interline billing process for taxes, charges and fees assigned a two-letter code with convenient access via the web.

Derived from the Ticket Tax Box Service, the RATD reflects the amounts to be collected and remitted for interline tickets.

The RATD is delivered as a monthly product via the web.

  • Provides an industry reference for billing interline charges and fees
  • Presents immediate access to the most up-to-date information for interline taxes, charges and fees
  • Performs searches by country or by flight segment from one airport to another
  • Customizes your interline revenue accounting needs
  • Minimizes settlement disputes
  • Decreases billing rejections
  • Reduces your overall revenue accounting costs

The price can vary greatly depending on the use of the product.

Interested in the Revenue Accounting Tax Database?

Please contact our services for a customized price quotation or for any additional information: