The Travel Agent’s Handbook (TAH) is a binding document for all IATA Accredited Agents, it provides Agents and any interested applicants useful information such as:

  • The main requirements for IATA Accreditation and Appointment
  • The most important Passenger Agency Conference Resolutions that are applicable to their participation in the Passenger Agency Programme, such as the Passenger Agency Sales Rules
  • Local Financial Criteria that is applicable, by country

Local Financial Criteria

All Local Financial Criteria can be found in section 3 of the Handbook.

Changes to Local Financial Criteria or Resolutions Main Documents

Changes to Local Financial Criteria or Resolutions agreed after publication of the Travel Agent's Handbooks will be posted below where documents named “Adopted Mail Vote Axxx - [...]” are the original paper to the relevant criteria or Resolution, including the reason for change. Changes are shown in a marked up format to be easily identified.

These changes are binding to IATA Accredited Agents upon its effective date indicated in the document.

Download the Travel Agent Handbook now 

24 documents available

Document title Language
2024 Manual del agente de viajes Spanish
2024 Manuel de l agent de voyages French
2024 Travel Agent Handbook English
Adopted Mail Vote Changes to Local Financial Criteria Latvia English
Adopted Mail Vote Changes to Local Financial Criteria Austria English
Adopted Mail Vote Changes to Local Financial Criteria Netherlands English
Adopted Mail Vote Changes to Local Financial Criteria Chinese Taipei English
Adopted Mail Vote Changes to Local Financial Criteria Spain English
Adopted Mail Vote Changes to remittance frequency in Argentina and Uruguay English
Adopted Mail Vote IATA Easypay Armenia_Changes to Resolution 812 English
BSP Manual for Agents_r812_effective 1 Sept 2024_with tracked changes English
BSP Manual for Agents_Reso 800 and 818g_effective 1 Sept 2022 English
BSP Manual for Agents_Reso 812_effective 1 Sept 2024 English
Changes to Local Financial Criteria Lithuania English
General Appointments - Asia Pacific English
General Appointments - Canada and Bermuda English
General Appointments - Caribbean Central and South America English
General Appointments - Europe, Middle East & Africa English
PAConf46 Changes to Local Financial Criteria Bulgaria English
PAConf46 Changes to Local Financial Criteria Germany English
PAConf46 Changes to Local Financial Criteria Turkiye English
PAConf46 Changes to the the reporting period for Agents in Cyprus English
PAConf46_Amendment to BSP Remittance_Qatar English
PAConf46_Changes to Local Financial Criteria Philippines English