Strategic Partners in the Baggage Services Area of Involvement will participate in the review of existing standards, as well as focus on baggage innovation.
Baggage Services Strategic Partnerships Summary
Baggage Services is a key area in aviation ground operations. A minor malfunction with the baggage handling system can disrupt the passenger experience and extends the aircraft turnaround time by slowing or stopping the passenger flow. IATA is committed to improving baggage handling through collaboration and innovation, and is updating standards to reflect new developments in real-time baggabge tracking, electronic bag tags, Bluetooth technology, baggage automation, baggage message exchange, off-airport baggage handling, prorate and claim, and many others. Our Baggage Working Group (BWG) brings stakeholders together to tackle common challenges and enhance the overall passenger experience, while also driving baggage innovation and the implementation of new technologies.
Participation in the relevant group(s) below.
Access to meetings and working groups are subject to individual group terms of references.
Baggage Working Group (BWG) and its subgroups:
- Baggage Information Exchange Subgroup (BIX)
The Baggage Information Exchange (BIX) subgroup develops standards, reviews processes and tackles challenges related to the current baggage messaging standards with a main priority of transitioning the industry from the current type B/legacy messaging framework to XML messaging standards. (MBM - modern baggage messing). - Baggage Automation Subgroup
The Baggage Automation Subgroup focuses on the automation of the baggage operation processes by minimizing manual interventions through the use of technology. Some areas of activity are: auto-reflighting of left behind baggage, the development and update of standards around baggage tag technology, the License Plate Number (LPN) concept, implementation of baggage tracking across the industry, automation of baggage claim and prorate processes as well as the reduction of baggage disputes. - Baggage Customs and Security Subgroup
The Baggage Security and Customs Subgroup covers the current process related to baggage security and customs with a main focus on developing industry-wide guidance material for the expansion of off-airport activities such as off-airport check-in, pre-clearance and door-to-door delivery of baggage. The off-airport activities are heavily influenced by the customs and security procedures and processes that need streamlining through the participation and contribution of authorities in this subgroup. Furthermore, the subgroup will investigate the usage of technologies and integration with security/customs authorities to be able to share data related to passenger baggage in advance to improve the entire passenger experience and facilitation.
Focus Areas
- Baggage information exchange (Modern Baggage Messaging (MBM), Type B messaging and baggage XML messaging)
- Defining MBM transportation requirements and setting pilot testing scenarios
- Defining implementation guidelines for MBM use
- Enhancing MBM to include Unit Load Device (ULD) elements and performing a technical analysis to allow the MBM to transfer further data (e.g. baggage picture)
- Defining new processes and standards to support automated baggage reflighting
- Driving real time baggage tracking and working with airlines and airports to implement baggage tracking
- Enhancing and implementing the concept of electronic bag tag
- Driving automation of baggage claim and prorate process and reduction of baggage dispute
- Baggage customs and security (off-airport check-in, advance baggage data sharing with authorities, baggage pre-clearance, baggage screening and door-to-door delivery of baggage)
- Updating BagID and Baggage Reference Manual (BRM)
- Enhancing baggage Resolutions and Recommended Practices as published in the Passenger Services Conference Resolution Manual (PSCRM)
Designed For
- Baggage services organizations, from construction of full baggage systems and technologies, to baggage messaging and passenger-facing technologies
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