It's a little-known fact that Poland contributed two sites to the inaugural list of 12 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, in 1978 (the Krakow historic center and the Wieliczka and Bochnia Salt Mines). And now Poland can take credit for being first in a different sphere: committing to develop a National Airspace Strategy (NAS). In September, the Polish air navigation service provider PANSA became the first in Europe to agree to partner with IATA to create a NAS for Poland.
Developing a NAS that helps deliver the goals of the Single European Sky would unlock significant economic benefits for Poland. From 2035, an extra €6 billion in annual GDP, and 65,000 additional jobs a year could be created. For that to happen, reform and modernization of Poland's airspace and air traffic management is needed, decided by all the key players working together.
A National Airspace Strategy may not quite have the cachet of a World Heritage Site, but given the benefits that it could unleash, it nevertheless could prove to be of historic significance for Poland.
Read the press release to find out more.