The EU is preparing for the launch of two new border management initiatives that will bring changes to the way in which travelers enter 30 European countries:

  • Entry/Exit System (EES)
  • European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS)

EES will register all non-EU nationals: visa-free and visa-required travelers entering 29 European countries for a short stay (up to 90 days in any 180-day period). EES will collect travelers’ passport details, as well as biometric information (i.e. fingerprints and facial image). It will also replace the stamping of passports at the border with electronic recordings of entries, exits and refusals of entry. EES will be ready to start operating in Q3 2024.

ETIAS is a new entry requirement for visa-free travelers entering these 30 European countries for a short stay (up to 90 days in any 180-day period). Travelers will need to apply for this authorization online  prior to their trip.  ETIAS will be ready to start operating in Q2 2025.

Travelers should access official and accurate information on ETIAS and its requirements exclusively through the official ETIAS website:

Be cautious of non-official ETIAS websites


A growing number of unofficial and/or fake ETIAS websites have been advertised recently, pretending to provide official information about the EU’s upcoming travel requirements in different languages.

Please refer exclusively to the official ETIAS website to learn and understand ETIAS. You will also be able to apply for your authorization through this website once ETIAS comes into place. Commercial intermediaries applying for ETIAS on behalf of their clients will only be able to do so through the official ETIAS website. The cost of ETIAS is EUR 7. Any additional charges will go to the intermediaries. 

The official ETIAS website is

All official EU websites can be recognized through the domain.