Geneva - We are disappointed by the decision of the Dutch Appeal Court to overturn a court decision which found the Dutch Government’s experimental regulation to reduce capacity at Schiphol in violation of its obligations under the Balanced Approach.
Governments have long recognized that international aviation must operate to global standards. As a result, governments, including the Dutch Government, are signatories to the Chicago Convention and its Annexes, which include the Balanced Approach. The Balanced Approach has even been enshrined in European Law.
“This is a disappointing outcome for travelers, shippers, the Dutch economy, and airlines. As we examine the ruling and its complexities, we seek clarity from the Dutch Government on its intentions. The full impact of this decision on the planned capacity cuts is unclear and there are no established international processes for such a retrograde exercise. We also urge the European Commission to defend its laws and air service agreements. And most importantly, we continue to ask the Dutch government to revert to the Balanced Approach which is the most effective and only internationally accepted means of dealing with the noise concerns of the local community,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General.
The parties that joined IATA’s action include Air Canada, United Airlines, FedEx, JetBlue, British Airways, Vueling, Lufthansa, and Airlines for America.
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Corporate Communications
Tel: +41 22 770 2967
Notes for Editors:
- IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents some 340 airlines comprising over 80% of global air traffic.
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