Thank you Mr. Chairman. I have the pleasure to present Working Paper 19 with the views of the entire industry, airports, airlines, ANSPs and manufacturers.
Our discussions over the next days will shape the future of this industry and the future of this great organization. The Kyoto Protocol gave ICAO responsibility to manage our industry’s emissions. As we prepare for the future, the entire Aviation Industry is asking you to safeguard ICAO’s continued leadership by supporting a global sectoral approach and making our targets a part of your solution.
Our Working Paper outlines a common vision backed by challenging targets. These are: improving fuel efficiency by an average of 1.5% annually to 2020, stabilizing carbon emissions from 2020 with carbon-neutral growth and reducing net carbon emissions 50% by 2050 compared to 2005. Already the industry’s four pillar strategy, recognized by the last ICAO Assembly, has saved millions of tonnes of carbon emissions - nearly 70 million tonnes from operations and infrastructure alone. And this year, aviation’s carbon emissions will fall by 6.5% or 43 million tonnes - 4.7% or 31 million tonnes from the recession and 1.8% or 12 million tonnes as a direct result of the strategy.
To achieve our future targets, industry and government must work even closer together. If not, they are not achievable.
Safety is a successful precedent. By working together, we have made flying the safest way to travel. Together we can make aviation the most environmentally responsible industrial sector. That means setting ambitious targets and applying them in a way that accounts for the special needs of developing States’ airlines. ICAO has a long track record of delivering this. The industry can help with the same expertise and tools that delivered major reductions in noise and a 70% improvement in fuel efficiency.
But a key to our success is governments and industry working together under ICAO’s leadership and supported by all key players of the industry. Three main elements are critical: that aviation’s carbon emissions are accounted for at a global level not by State, that aviation should be fully accountable for its CO2 emissions but paying only once for those emissions and that industry has access to global carbon markets to offset emissions until technology can provide the ultimate solution.
It is vital that States build upon the success of GIACC and mandate ICAO to take a forward looking position to COP 15. A global sectoral approach delivers just that.
Mr. Chairman, delegates, ladies and gentlemen, Copenhagen provides an historic leadership opportunity for ICAO. The industry is united in presenting you with a forward looking vision and the targets to deliver it.
Our history tells us that with the coordinated support of governments aviation can deliver amazing results. This will also be the most effective approach to reducing our industry’s carbon emissions. As a united industry, we ask you to take our targets to Copenhagen and achieve a mandate to manage aviation’s global emissions effectively as an industrial sector.
Working together in this way, aviation can be a role model for industry cooperation with government in the United Nations framework.
Thank you Mr. Chairman.