Geneva – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the 2018 World Financial Symposium (WFS) will feature a strong focus on partnership strategies to accelerate delivery of transformation supporting sustained airline financial health.

2018 will mark the ninth consecutive year of industry profits and the fourth year in which airlines will make an aggregate return exceeding their cost of capital. However, rising costs, particularly fuel, will squeeze earnings, which are expected to slip from $38 billion in 2017 to $33.8 billion in 2018.

“The last few years have demonstrated that aviation is capable of delivering required levels of financial performance. That said, this year we are being truly tested, with fuel prices being up as much as 60% over the past year. Now more than ever, a High-Performing Financial Organization is crucial to align airlines behind financial targets. WFS is the forum for aviation finance professionals to come together to discuss and debate the challenges to achieve sustainable financial health,” said Aleks Popovich, IATA’s Senior Vice President, Financial and Distribution Services.

The WFS will be held in Madrid, Spain, 19-20 September 2018. The opening plenary will include sessions on a Strategic Roadmap in Supporting Sustained Airline Financial Health; How Digital Transformation is Changing the Airline Landscape; and fireside chats with key industry leaders.

Specialized tracks will address:

  • Transformation in Payment
  • Payment Regulation
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Financial Digital Transformation
  • Financial Risk Management
  • Future of Cash Management, Investment and Hedging

In addition, the Innovation Jam Session will return for a second year. There will also be a “High Impact Seminar” to which senior executives of airlines and industry partners are invited. This session will highlight a proposed strategic framework for accelerated delivery of innovation via partnership.

For more information, please contact:

Corporate Communications
Tel: +41 22 770 2967

Notes for Editors:

  • IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents some 290 airlines comprising 82% of global air traffic.
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