Aircraft seats from the back of the cabin

Geneva – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the 2022 Cabin Ops Safety Conference (COSC) will take place as an in-person event in Lisbon, Portugal, 14-16 June with TAP Air Portugal as the Host Airline.

In the face of numerous operational challenges, the airline industry improved its safety performance in several key areas in 2021, compared both to 2020 and to the average of the five years 2017-2021, including reductions in the accident rate and the number of passenger fatalities.

These strong results were achieved as the industry ramped-up operations from the low point of April 2020, while addressing numerous issues, including crew shortages and a sharp rise in unruly passenger events.

“Airlines and their employees have done a superb job over the past two years under extraordinarily difficult circumstances. Now, as COVID-related travel restrictions are eased, flight operations are ramping-up and the focus needs to be on ensuring we maintain the same high levels of safety and efficiency. The Cabin Ops Safety Conference is the forum for cabin safety experts from airlines, regulators, OEMs and suppliers to join together to share insights on the most important cabin safety challenges,” said Nick Careen, IATA’s Senior Vice President of Operations, Safety and Security.

Sessions will address key topics including:

  • Unruly passengers
  • Cabin crew fatigue
  • Human trafficking
  • Cabin accessibility issues
  • Cabin safety investigations
  • Cabin design
  • Accessible lavatory design

The event also will feature workshops on turbulence, cabin crew wellbeing and safety management. Additionally, the popular Cabin Safety Exchange will return. This discussion forum provides an opportunity for cabin safety professionals to share insights about the top cabin safety issues and shapes and steers the work of IATA cabin safety agenda in the years to come.

> View the full COSC program (pdf)

For more information, please contact:

Corporate Communications

Tel: +41 22 770 2967


Notes for Editors:

  • IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents some 340 airlines comprising over 80% of global air traffic.
  • You can follow us on X for announcements, policy positions, and other useful industry information.
  • Fly Net Zero
  • Convening the air transport industry to share best practices and address critical issues is fundamental to IATA’s mission. Prior to COVID-19, IATA hosted on average 16 executive events annually, each attended by an average 1,000 participants. As face-to-face events become possible again IATA is ramping-up its conference activity. In 2022 IATA is planning to hold at least 16 in person or hybrid events across all continents.