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IATA manuals, standards and regulations for multiple platforms & devices

IATA manuals in a versatile, eBook-style format. Get the titles you need and build your own library of IATA regulations, standards and guidelines. Access the library anywhere, online or offline, from all popular platforms, on a variety of devices.​

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IATA manuals delivered in a versatile format made for ease of access and mobility. With the digital format, it's easier than ever for customers to access the content they need, when and where they need it. The format offers the flexibility and convenience to access IATA titles from all popular platforms (Windows, Mac, iOS and Android) across multiple devices (desktops, laptops and tablets), both online and offline.

IATA manuals are made available in an e-Reader solution called Bookshelf. Bookshelf Online is accessed through a browser. Manuals can also be accessed with the Bookshelf software application, installed on a computer or tablet. When you get your first IATA digital manual you'll create a Bookshelf account, and use that account whether using Bookshelf Online or the Bookshelf application.

  • Online - Browser-based, no software to install. Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox are all supported.
  • Offline - There's a Bookshelf app for all popular platforms, including iOS.

Features & Benefits


Available in Single User License (SUL) or Enterprise License (EL) access options


  • Can be used in popular browsers
  • No software to install


  • There's an app (Bookshelf, from company VitalSource) for all popular platforms
  • No internet connection required after downloading your titles

Common functionality

  • Searchable text
  • Content adjusts to screen size
  • Table of contents
  • Bookmarks, notes & highlighting
  •  Resource files (i.e. excel files, forms, power points, PDF extracts) that are downloadable, printable and fillable 
  • Intra-document hyperlinks


  • Windows desktops, laptops and tablets
  • Mac desktops and laptops
  • Apple iPads
  • Android tablets

​​Operating Systems

  • Windows 7 and higher
  • Mac OS X and higher
  • iOS 9 and higher
  • Android 6 and higher


  • Windows - Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer
  • Mac OS - Chrome, Safari
  • iOS - Chrome, Safari
  • Android - Chrome​

​​Other Info

  • Online - Access IATA digital manuals with a browser. Internet connection needed at all times.​
  • Offline - Access IATA digital manuals with a locally installed eBook reader application (Bookshelf). Administrator permissions needed for install. Internet connection needed to download the title, but not needed after that. One computer (Windows or Mac) and one mobile device (iOS or Android) may be associated to an IATA Bookshelf account.
  • Optimized for screens 7 inches and larger. Content may not display correctly on smaller devices (e.g. smartphones).

Shared multi-user ​access to IATA Standards

The Enterprise Library (EL) solution provides you with instant access to all your purchased manuals in a library format.

Key points of this feature:

  • No product keys or token needed
  • Concurrent access by large number of users
  • Secured using company domain(s)
  • Simple to deploy, no installation needed for online access
  • No downloads required for online access
  • Offline access using apps
  • Supports all major platforms and operating systems (iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows)

To request more information regarding the Enterprise Library, please fill out the Enterprise Library request form

> Enterprise Library Terms and Conditions

IATA offers short term access versions of select manuals to training organizations. 7-day and 30-day duration versions of some are available at reduced prices. This allows schools to provide students with access to the IATA title without having to purchase a full digital license for each student.

IATA Accredited Training Schools can acquire the short term duration manuals via the IATA online store. Other training organizations are welcome to inquire about the availability of the short term versions by contacting us through the IATA Customer Portal.

Note: The digital format is not only for mobile devices. It can be used in a browser or in an app ('VitalSource Bookshelf’) on Windows and Mac computers, and on iOS and Android tablets.

How it Works

  1. Receive a redeem code for 7- or 30-day access to an IATA digital manual
  2. Create an account in the IATA Digital Publications Platform
  3. Use your redeem code within the platform to obtain the IATA manual
  4. The 7- or 30-day access begins when the redeem code is used.

Available Manuals

  • Dangerous Goods Regulations, English
  • Dangerous Goods Regulations, French
  • Dangerous Goods Regulations, German
  • Dangerous Goods Regulations, Spanish
  • Dangerous Goods Regulations, Russian

To familiarize yourself with the IATA Digital Manuals and to help you access and use the various features, a series of video tutorials are provided below.  

For further information on the Bookshelf, download the Bookshelf Single-User Guide

For further information on the Enterprise Library, download the Bookshelf Enterprise Library User Guide. You can find the most commonly asked questions in our Enterprise Library FAQ