
Adapting to today’s complex, yet highly reliable aviation system where the circumstances of the next accident are difficult to predict, IATA led the development of a new training methodology based on evidence collected in operations and training: Evidence-Based Training (EBT). An EBT program focuses on the development and assessment of key pilot competencies to better prepare the pilots to manage potentially dangerous situations in flight operations.

A new training concept developed by experts

EBT was developed under the IATA Training and Qualification Initiative (ITQI) launched in 2007. A working group (WG) was constituted, which comprised representatives from airlines, civil aviation authorities, academic institutions, aircraft original equipment manufacturers, international organizations, pilot representative bodies and training organizations. The task of this WG was to establish a new methodology for the development and conduct of recurrent training and assessment, today known as Evidence-Based Training (EBT).

EBT was endorsed by ICAO in 2013, with the publication of Doc 9995, Manual of Evidence-based Training. To support operators with the implementation of EBT, a co-branded IATA/ICAO/IFALPA “Evidence-Based Training Implementation Guide” was also published in 2013.

IATA Consulting can assist you with every aspect of EBT implementation:

EBT Pre-Implementation

  • Deliver awareness workshop(s ) to top management and operational staff
  • Assess organization (Air Operator's Certificate (AOC) - Aviation Training Organization (ATO) ) needs
  • Propose options and associated EBT implementation plan.
  • Buy-in from your CAA
  • Support internal EBT awareness and communication plan​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Competencies for Pilots and Instructor

  • Support the definition and implementation of your pilot and instructor competency grading system
  • Train and assess your EBT instructor core group in accordance to your competency performance standards

EBT Program Design

  • Support EBT program design (including malfunction and approach type clustering)

EBT Tools

  • Propose technical solutions for training data collection and analysis

EBT Monitoring

  • Review training effectiveness upon receipt of sufficient training system data
  • Adjustment and continuous improvement of the training program (based on training system feedback)


Improved pilot training methodologies is the key to further accident reduction.

Key benefits include:

  • EBT seeks to redress the imbalance between training and checking. It recognizes that an assessment of competence is necessary, but once completed, pilots learn more effectively when being trained by competent instructors to perform tasks and manage events measured according to a given set of behavioral indicators, while not under pure test conditions
  • The paradigm shift proposed by the EBT program is not simply to replace a sometimes outdated set of critical events with a new set but to use the events as a vehicle for developing and assessing crew performance across a range of necessary competencies
  • EBT enforces instructors to analyse the root causes to correct inappropriate actions, rather than simply asking a flight crew member to repeat a manoeuvre with no real understanding as to why it was not successfully flown in the first instance
  • EBT does not only bring safety benefits to those who implement it, it also achieves these benefits in a cost effective manner. EASA (EASA - NPA 2018-07 (A)) provides evidence indicating a break-even point in around 3 to 4 years
  • Pilots who benefited from an Evidence- Based Training are better equipped to manage unforeseen situations, as the methodology focuses on developing competencies that can be applied to different situations rather than mastering how to respond to defined scenarios
  • IATA’s experts are not only experts in the field of EBT but combine this knowledge with real life operational experience. All of the IATA experts are current pilots, working for leading airlines, CAAs and research institutions around the globe

Yann Renier 

Head of Training & Licensing, Safety and Flight Operations, IATA

Captain Yann Renier brings over 30 years of commercial air carrier experience. He has held various positions among which Chief Pilot Compliance and Regulatory Affairs, Flight Standard Management Pilot, Line Training Captain, and Type Rating Instructor & Examiner.

Captain Renier is the secretary of the IATA Pilot Training Task Force and consequently is in charge of several major training initiatives such as the Aviation Skill Shortage mitigation measures definition, the Competency-Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) and Evidence Based Training (EBT) implementation, the EBT data report update. Those projects imply Captain Renier’s active contribution to ICAO and EASA new pilot standards design.

View his LinkedIn profile

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