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8 December 2023

IATA Open API Hub: Elevating Aviation Innovation Through Collaboration

IATA’s Industry Open API Hub, launched in partnership with Rapid earlier this year, has taken off as a point for API discovery and innovation for the aviation industry. Already reaching nearly 100 APIs, active participation from 175 airline industry organizations, and a community of 3500 users, it stands as a testament to the growing interest and engagement within the travel community.

The Hub serves as an industry platform for airlines and partners to showcase their APIs, fostering collaboration with the developer community. “It’s not just a hub; it’s a collaborative space where innovation takes off”, says Stephan Copart, Head Digital Transformation at IATA.

“In our commitment to advancing the aviation industry, IATA has joined forces with Rapid to launch the Open API Hub. Rapid's expertise in API management aligns seamlessly with IATA's vision of creating a centralized space for API discovery and innovation. Together, we're pushing the boundaries of what's possible.”, concludes Stephan Copart.

The Hub is not only a place for airlines to connect, but any travel industry partner is invited to take advantage of the opportunity to showcase their APIs on the IATA Open API Hub. By registering on the IATA Customer Portal, contributors can play a role in the growth of this emerging community and unlock new opportunities for collaboration and partnership.

“We are extremely proud to partner with IATA to enable an API marketplace for the entire travel industry. Now, developers know exactly where they can go to search for, connect to, and manage all of their travel APIs, with the confidence that these APIs will be consistent & well-documented. This brings a new wave of innovation driven by IATA by bringing together the developer community” says Alex Walling, Chief Strategy Officer of Rapid.

The voice of the industry:

"The Open API hub provides a platform where airlines can share their APIs with the industry and the world in a consolidated way. By listing the AF/KL APIs on the IATA hub, we hope to increase visibility and accessibility, leading to increased usage and adoption of our APIs, potential new partnerships, and facilitating collaboration with other airlines and industry stakeholders." - Evi Marinaki, KLM

"With the launch of the OpenAPI hub, Lufthansa Group decided to list some APIs on the hub. Being listed on the Hub enables a channel to enter collaboration and demonstrates what the airline industry is doing to support an open, approachable ecosystem. Next to the actual API usage, the Hub serves for us as inspiration for new interactions and services with existing and new partners." - Marcus Wagner, Lufthansa Group

The IATA Open API Hub is more than a platform; it is a community of innovators. Join us in shaping the future of aviation by exploring the possibilities, sharing your APIs, and collaborating with industry peers.

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