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Build a more faithful clientele

Frequent Flyer programs are a crucial part of customer relationship management. Investment in customer loyalty has been proven to benefit the long-term financial performance of organizations that pursue this course. With the Frequent Flyer Program (FFP) Benchmark survey, you will gain a better understanding of your loyal customers’ needs and preferences, how they optimize their miles, and what they value most about frequent flyer programs.

Compare and improve

What’s more, the FFP Benchmark Survey enables you to compare your frequent flyer program performance with the ones of your competitors. Most of all, you will have the information needed to make decisions that will boost your passengers’ appreciation and increase their loyalty to your airline.

Subscribe and strengthen your frequent flyer program

By subscribing to the FFP Benchmark Survey, you will benefit from information and insights that will help you improve your program and enhance customer loyalty, including:

  • The strategic knowledge you need to assess your FFP value proposition for frequent flyers
  • A detailed analysis of your competitive positioning in this important field of customer retention
  • A better understanding of your preferred customers’ needs and expectations
  • Ways to improve the loyalty of your preferred customers to your airline
  • The information you need to make the decisions that will heighten your passengers’ appreciation of your benefits and services

See the FFP Benchmark Brochure (pdf) for more details.

Measure your airline FFP performance

To include you FFP coverage in future editions of IATA Global Frequent Flyer Program Benchmark or to simply order to the current or previous reports, please email us.

Contact us

  • Are you interested in the potential of FFP? Please contact the FFP team using this mail.
  • Are you already an FFP customer? Please contact the customer service team via the Customer Portal.