
The Health Strategic Partnerships Area of Involvement provides access to subject matter expertise, data and other resources related to public health events, including COVID-19, and the implications of those events for air travel. In addition to discussions on recent developments and lessons learned from COVID-19 and previous health outbreaks, the program looks beyond the current situation to consider if and how public health issues will impact the future of air travel. 

Health Strategic Partnerships Benefits

  • Acquire dedicated time by phone or face-to-face with the IATA Subject Matter Experts to discuss initiatives and solutions developed by IATA, as well as issues of strategic importance to your business
  • Gain exposure to latest developments/trends by attending webinar sessions
  • Explore challenges and opportunities within the aviation sector
  • Acquire valuable insight and knowledge related to new regulations and industry initiatives and priorities

Focus Areas

  • Medical Developments on COVID-19 and other infectious diseases
  • Border Policies and Public Health Mitigation Measures
  • Outlook for Future Pandemics, Preparedness and Implications for Air Travel
  • Digital Certification, Health Credentials and Other Technological Developments

Designed for

  • Aviation industry service providers
  • Digital enterprises
  • Technology providers/vendors
  • Rapid diagnostics producers
  • Labs/test centers
  • Airports
  • Other suppliers

Please view the full list of Strategic Partnerships Program benefits (pdf).


Strategic Partnerships Program
