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Membership in the IATA Strategic Partnerships Program provides a range of opportunities to raise your profile with current and potential new clients and position your company for success.
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- Access to over 400 airline executives at the IATA Annual General Meeting (AGM) (exclusively for AGM-level Strategic Partners)
- Access to airline representatives and Subject Matter Experts at IATA working groups
- Valuable insight and knowledge related to industry needs
- Opportunity to contribute to the development and implementation of standards
- Business data and industry statistics updates
- Collaborative relationships with IATA Regional Office’s representatives
- Exclusive usage of the IATA Strategic Partner Recognition Stamp
- Recognition as a valuable supporter of IATA and the air transport industry
- Inclusion in the IATA Strategic Partnerships online directory
- Promotion through the quarterly Strategic Partnerships Newsletter, distributed to over 14,000 aviation industry contacts
- Priority booth location and selection at IATA Events
- Opportunity to participate in panel discussions and presentations at IATA events
- IATA Conferences, exhibitions and delegate fees
- Advertising in IATA publications and Airlines International Magazine
- Discounts on selected IATA publications / web downloads
- Partners may attend, at a reduced fee, IATA Training courses. Strategic Partners may receive a 55% discount on the first 2 seats per year to any IATA classroom course (subject to availability)
- Strategic Partners may receive 3 seats for the price of 2 in IATA’s Executive Programs in partnership with the University of St Gallen (Global Air Transport Management and Sustainable Aviation Management).
- Multi-year contract discounts
Any questions?
Please consult our Frequently Asked Questions