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The crucial role aviation plays in times of crisis was highlighted at the 79th IATA AGM and World Air Transport Summit. Aviation's daily positive contributions to humanity are multifaceted, from connecting cultures and economies to fostering social development and economic growth. However, its importance is greatly magnified during crises, when it becomes an essential lifeline for communities affected by natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies.
The industry's strong response to the earthquakes in Southern Türkiye and Syria was underlined as a representative example of this integral role. The 29 major carriers operating in the Türkiye market showcased the scale of the industry's capacity for support, collaborating to deliver over 3,500 tons of aid. This aid was procured from more than 90 countries and consisted of crucial items ranging from clothing, food, and medical supplies to vital infrastructure elements such as power generators and water distribution ramps.
Moreover, these airlines operated over 350 relief and repatriation flights, enabling the transportation of more than 130,000 global responders to the affected regions. Their immediate response in the aftermath of the earthquake played a crucial role in saving lives, further exemplifying the indispensable nature of aviation during crises.
Even post-disaster, the aviation industry continues to play a pivotal role in expediting recovery through crucial cargo shipments. This resilient sector has proven its invaluable worth to global communities, extending hope, relief, and rebuilding resources during crises.
In these challenging times, airlines exhibit exceptional compassion and solidarity, consistently delivering essential supplies and aid to impacted communities around the world. Their commitment to providing hope, relief, and aid, and their relentless efforts to rebuild lives collectively, further establishes aviation as an industry that invariably rises to the occasion in times of crisis.