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Passengers are generally confident in the health safety measures in place for air travel, but are confused and uncertain around COVID-19 travel requirements and restrictions, according to the WATS panel addressing the question: “How can aviation reliably reconnect people and economies while managing the risks of COVID-19?”

David Rockland, CEO of Rockland Dutton, cited passenger survey data showing that people feel safer now than they did they did at the beginning of the crisis, but that there is a lot of frustration over the paperwork.

Harry Theoharis, Parliamentary Spokesperson, Hellenic Parliament, explained how different government departments came together in Greece and that coordination and clarity were key watchwords.

JetBlue President and COO Joanna Geraghty said the biggest challenge was that the scientific advice was often changing.

Dr. Issac Bogoch of the University of Toronto’s Dept. of Medicine explained that in communications it was important to be honest and humble: We don’t have all the answers and uncertainty was inevitable.

It was also stressed that global vaccine equity is essential. Global standards to harmonize vaccine recognition should be set by WHO without delay. In setting rules, passengers will adapt to restrictions provided they are consistent. Simplifying the business and providing clear explanations of the rules are the key to giving passengers confidence and restarting travel. 

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