Il faut une approche mieux coordonnée pour le fret aérien (pdf)
Geneva - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has renewed its calls for a coordinated approach among governments to keep air cargo flowing. Delays in permit approvals, quarantine measures for air cargo crew and not enough support on the ground continue to hamper the movement of cargo flights carrying vital medical supplies and other necessities.
“Airlines are providing as much capacity as they can. Governments need to step up and ensure that vital supply lines remain open and efficient and that there is adequate infrastructure and support available in the air and on the ground,” said Glyn Hughes, IATA’s Global Head of Air Cargo.
Many governments and international regulatory bodies are facilitating the movement of air cargo. The European Commission (EC) issued Guidelines on Facilitating Air Cargo Operations During COVID-19 Outbreak. The World Customs Organization (WCO) has implemented a series of emergency contacts to ensure cargo border blockages can be responded to immediately, and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has issued a series of state letters urging member states to further facilitate air cargo flows during this time of crisis.
But there are still too many examples of delays in getting charter permits issued, a lack of exemptions on COVID-19 testing for air cargo crew, and inadequate ground infrastructure to/from and within airport environments. Air cargo needs to move efficiently throughout the entire supply chain to be effective. We urge governments to:
- Cut the paperwork for charter operations
- Exempt cargo crew from quarantine rules that apply to the general population
- Ensure there is adequate staff and facilities to process cargo efficiently
- Mutually recognize agreed global standards (health certificates, licenses, etc.)
- Ensure alternate airports are available even if passenger flights are not operating
“To keep cargo flights operating safely, airlines need access to alternate airports along all routes. These alternate airports are where aircraft can land in the event of an emergency during flight. Because of the sharp drop in passenger flights, some airports that serve the critical alternate airport function are closed or not available at all times. A coordinated effort by governments to keep alternate airports operational is needed. If not, the global air cargo network cannot function and vital shipments are at risk,” said Hughes.
Aligning Stakeholders
Ensuring that that stakeholders have access to the latest operational and regulatory guidance in relation to COVID-19 is essential. IATA is supporting industry through several initiatives:
- Air Cargo COVID-19 Action Page provides updated information covering all aspects of regulatory and operational information related to air cargo
- IATA Quick Reference for Ground Handling During COVID-19 provides a reference guide for Ground Handling during the COVID-19 outbreak
- IATA Guidance on the Safe Carriage of Cargo in the Passenger Cabin provides a comprehensive guide on issues to be considered when performing a safety risk and operational assessment when utilizing passenger aircraft for cargo only operations
For more information, please contact:
Corporate Communications
Tel: +41 22 770 2967
Email: corpcomms@iata.org
Notes for Editors
- IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents some 290 airlines comprising 82% of global air traffic
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