国际航协发布首个行业自研发的旅客碳排放量计算方法 (pdf)
IATA anuncia a primeira metodologia de cálculo de CO2 por passageiro desenvolvida pelo setor (pdf)
IATA anuncia la primera metodología de cálculo de CO2 de los pasajeros desarrollada por el sector (pdf)
Geneva – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced the launch of the IATA Recommended Practice Per-Passenger CO2 Calculation Methodology. IATA’s Methodology, using verified airline operational data, provides the most accurate calculation methodology for the industry to quantify CO2 emissions per passenger for a specific flight.
As travelers, corporate travel managers, and travel agents are increasingly demanding precise flight CO2 emission information, an accurate and standardized calculation methodology is critical. This is particularly true in the corporate sector where such calculations are needed to underpin voluntary emissions reductions targets.
“Airlines have worked together through IATA to develop an accurate and transparent methodology using verified airline operational data. This provides the most accurate CO2 calculation for organizations and individuals to make informed choices about flying sustainably. This includes decisions on investing in voluntary carbon offsetting or sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) use,” said Willie Walsh, IATA's Director General.
IATA’s Methodology takes into account the following factors:
- Guidance on fuel measurement, aligned with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)
- Clearly defined scope to calculate CO2 emissions in relation to airlines’ flying activities
- Guidance on non-CO2 related emissions and Radiative Forcing Index (RFI)
- Weight based calculation principle: allocation of CO2 emission by passenger and belly cargo
- Guidance on passenger weight, using actual and standard weight
- Emissions Factor for conversion of jet fuel consumption to CO2, fully aligned with CORSIA
- Cabin class weighting and multipliers to reflect different cabin configurations of airlines
- Guidance on SAF and carbon offsets as part of the CO2 calculation
“The plethora of carbon calculation methodologies with varying results creates confusion and dents consumer confidence. Aviation is committed to achieving net zero by 2050. By creating an accepted industry standard for calculating aviation’s carbon emissions, we are putting in place essential support to achieve this goal. The IATA Passenger CO2 Calculation Methodology is the most authoritative tool and it is ready for airlines, travel agents, and passengers to adopt,” added Walsh.
For more information, please contact:
Corporate Communications
Tel: +41 22 770 2967
Email: corpcomms@iata.org
Notes for Editors:
- IATA (International Air Transport Association) represents some 340 airlines comprising over 80% of global air traffic.
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- Fly Net Zero
- IATA’s Recommended Practice Per-Passenger CO2 Calculation Methodology was developed together with an airline working group consisting of 20 major airlines. Major aircraft manufacturers validated the Methodology as it was being developed. In parallel, IATA consulted and discussed with various stakeholders across the industry, including international standards-setting bodies; and major freight forwarders and shippers.
- IATA’s Recommended Practice Per-Passenger CO2 Calculation Methodology is pending a vote by member airlines of the IATA Passenger Services Conference, which will take place end of March. Once adopted, the declaration of effectiveness for the Recommended Practice will follow customary regulatory filing obligations.
- More details about the CO2 Methodology will be released after the vote at the IATA Passenger Services Conference
- Q&A IATA Recommended Practice Per-Passenger CO2 Calculation Methodology (pdf)