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The Online Accreditation System (OAS) is a secure online system that is accessible 24/7 to accredited delegates of the slot community. On this help page, you can find information on the different functionalities of the OAS and how to navigate on the pages. 

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Head Delegates (HODs) are in control of the accreditation of their delegation and can add, remove and edit the details of their delegates online. It is important to note the same accreditation rules apply to all members of the delegation. HODs must be approved by their CEO (by uploading a signed Accreditation form 1 (pdf) submitted via the Online Accreditation System (OAS) to IATA). Delegates must be approved by their HOD (via OAS - no forms required). For information on how to register as a new HOD please see the New HOD tab.

All other accredited delegates in the system have access and will be able to view, but not alter, all contact information of the Slot Conference (SC) accredited delegates.

Please note that:

  • Slot Conference exhibitors are not part of the OAS nor can they see your contact information
  • IATA will not sell this information
  • HODs cannot delegate the accreditation role to another member of staff

By using the Online Accreditation System, you agree to the Terms of Use (pdf).

Logging in

All accredited delegates receive an email with the username and password entitled 'Online Accreditation System Password save for future use!'. We request that you test the username and password as soon as possible and keep them strictly private.


If you forget your password or need a reminder, please use the resend my password link and enter your email address and username.  If you require further assistance or a reminder of your OAS username please email

Overview of the main menu

  • Home - Welcome page which includes an introduction, terms and conditions, any notifications and any downloads required for OAS
  • Delegates – Delegates page where it is possible to search for accredited participants and view their contact details
  • My information - My information page where it is possible to view and edit your personal contact details
  • Help - Help page where support for using OAS is documented
  • Hello & Log off - Button indications who the user is logged in as and the possibility to log off OAS when clicked

Search and view contact information on accredited delegates

  • Go to the Delegate page and use the search filters to select the accredited delegate
  • Press "Search" to see the participants that match your search criterions
  • Once the accredited participant has been found click on "Details" to view their contact information
  • "Clear Search" clears the search criterions

Accreditation of New Head Delegate

New Head Delegates (HODs), Head Facilitators / Coordinators and new Head Airline representatives may register for accreditation on the front page of OAS. Be prepared to provide a copy of your Accreditation form 1 (pdf) (signed by your CEO) and if you are a new airline a copy of your Airline Operating certificate (AOC).

You must complete the following steps to register as a new HOD. This way you also confirm that you agree to the terms and conditions.

  • Go to the Online Accreditation System (OAS) website
  • Enter your email address on the ‘Request for Accreditation of New HOD’ field on the front page of and click "Start". At this point the message ‘An activation link has been sent to your e-mail’ will appear at the bottom of the screen
  • Please check your email account for an email sent to you from entitled 'Head of Delegates Activation E-mail' (may take several minutes to appear - please do not reply to this unmonitored account)
  • Click on the activation link provided within the email and complete the requested fields. Please ensure your contact details are correctly entered as these will be included in the annual IATA Standards Schedules Information Manual (SSIM)
  • Items to note:
    • If your company name is not listed in the drop-down menu, please scroll to the end and select ‘Other’. You will then be given the opportunity to add your company name and address in your application
    • Once you have uploaded your form and completed all the necessary fields make sure you accept the terms and conditions of the system by ticking the box provided then click ‘Apply’
    • Once you have successfully applied for accreditation you will be redirected to the front page of OAS where text at the bottom of the page ‘You have successfully applied for Accreditation etc.’ will appear
  • IATA will either confirm your accreditation or contact you for further details
  • Once approved you will be sent an email with your username and password and will be able to add, edit and remove your accredited delegates


If, after reading the instructions above, you still have an issue please do not hesitate to contact and we will assist you.

My Info


To get the most out of the Online Accreditation System (OAS) and display your contact details to other accredited users, please ensure you update your information under ‘My Info’.

  • Airport/Section - the areas of work you are involved in and responsible for (e.g. airport or network region).
  • Availability - the time zone, your working hours and alternative staff member working as a backup/replacement for your work if you are unavailable.
  • Alternative contact info - independent video conferencing systems (e.g. Skype for Business, MS Teams, Zoom, Skype).
  • Contact details – telephone and email address

For a quick introduction and the standardized text that we recommend you adopt when completing ‘My Info’ please review the quick guide to completing your profile (pdf) and watch our video tutorial!. Please see further information on the enhancements and Terms of Use (pdf).  

Creating and editing delegates


Only HODs are eligible to create and edit delegates under the company name of their delegation. If you need more information on how to create and edit delegates, please refer to the Editing and creating delegates -document (pdf). For more information on how to register as a HOD please go to the New HOD -tab.

Search Function


To check your information has updated correctly and search for other accredited delegates, go to the ‘Delegates’ tab at the top of the page and use the search criteria drop-down boxes to find the information you are looking for.

For a quick introduction on how to search for other accredited delegates watch our video tutorial!

As an example, if you are searching for a person responsible for coordination at a particular airport, but you weren’t sure of the name of the organization or person responsible you could follow this method.

  1. Under the ‘Delegates’ tab, filter the ‘Category’ dropdown box to ‘Coordinator’.
  2. Filter the ‘Country’ drop-down box to the country of the organization you are searching for.
  3. Click ‘Search’. You will now see a list of all accredited coordinators and facilitators listed under those two criteria.
  4. View all accredited delegates matching that criteria and view the information that they have entered e.g. Airport/Section and availability to find the person you are looking for.
  5. Click on ‘Details’ to view their contact information.


Top Tips! 
Once you have filtered by category and country, click ‘Search’. You will now see a list of all the accredited delegates under those categories. Click “ctrl+F” for the search function and start typing criteria like name or airport/section.

If the criteria are already known, in any of the search boxes, it is possible to start typing this within the drop-down or search box and the system will scroll to that name/criteria. E.g. type “Pe” within the ‘Country’ drop down box and the system will display the dropdown menu resting at Peru.

The table gives an overview of all the different accreditation types and their access rights for the Slot Conference. Below the table you can also find more information of the different accreditation types. Please note that in the table Coordinator refers to both Coordinators at Level 3 airports and Facilitators at Level 2 airports. 

accreditation type conference appointment system exhibition main airline/coordinator room networking events Speaker Zone Presentations workshops & presentations Head Of Delegation meetings
Head Delegate (Airline or Coordinator) YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
(Head Airline Meeting only for Airline Head Delegates)
Airline Rep & 
YES YES YES YES YES YES Must be nominated by Head Delegate

Airline or Coordinator Support

View only YES YES YES YES YES Must be nominated by Head Delegate

Airport Capacity Representative

View only YES Only with Host YES YES Open Sessions only NO
Observer View only YES Only with Host YES YES Open Sessions only NO
Visitor View only YES Only with Host YES YES Open Sessions only NO
Exhibitor & Sponsor YES YES NO YES YES Open Sessions only NO


Airline Delegates

(Head Airline Representative / Airline Representative) – accredited airline staff permitted to attend and manage the airline's slot portfolio. Pays to register (Non-IATA Airlines also required to pay a company fee of $1,000.00). Full access to online conference system. 

Coordinator/ Facilitator Delegates 

(Head Coordinator/Facilitator, Coordinator, Facilitator) – accredited to undertake slot management and allocation for level 2 (facilitators) & 3 (coordinators) capacity-constrained airports. Pays to register. Full access to online conference system. 

Support Delegates

(Airline, Facilitator, Coordinator Support) - accredited to attend the conference under airlines, coordinators or facilitators but cannot undertake slot management and allocation.  Examples of the use of this delegate type can be Translators, IT support and Personal Assistants. Pays to register. View-only access to online conference system. 

Other Delegate Types


Non-participative delegate. Authorized by IATA to attend one Slot Conference only in an observer capacity for familiarization, free of charge. The Observer has to be accompanied at the Slot Conference by their host to the main airline and coordinator rooms, as they are not allowed to participate in the slot meetings. Badge clearly states OBSERVER and COMPANY/Authority being represented for complete transparency when observing meetings or taking part in discussions. Observer requests should be sent to IATA Management at least 30 days in advance of the Conference that they wish to attend. The Observers can view the online Event App, for program and attendee information. They do not receive AppCal Access and cannot request appointments  through the system. For further information please review the Observer Terms of Reference.


Non-participative delegate.  Authorized by IATA to attend more than one Slot Conference. Pays the delegate registration fee to register. The Visitor has to be accompanied at the Slot Conference by their host to the airline and coordinator rooms, as they are not allowed to participate in the slot meetings. Badge clearly states VISITOR and COMPANY/Authority being represented for complete transparency when observing meetings or taking part in discussions. Visitor requests should be sent to IATA Management at least 30 days in advance of the Conference that they wish to attend. The Visitors can view the online Event App, for program and attendee information. They do not receive AppCal Access and cannot request appointments  through the system. For further information please review the Visitor Terms of Reference.

Airport Capacity Representative

Accredited by coordinator / facilitator (via email to IATA Management at least 30 days in advance of the Conference) and authorized by IATA to attend. Can participate in airline-coordinator meetings with the prior consent of both, where necessary to explain capacity parameters. Badge clearly states Airport Capacity Representative and Company/Airport being represented for complete transparency. Must be accompanied by the coordinator / facilitator for access to airline or coordinator rooms. Pays to register. The Airport Capacity Representative can view the online Event App, for program and attendee information. They do not receive AppCal Access and cannot request appointments  through the system. For further information please review the Airport Capacity Representative Terms of Reference.