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The IATA Health Safety Checklist for Airline Operators provides the standards, recommended practices (IHSARPs) and guidance for self-assessment to support oversight of the ICAO Public Health Corridor (PHC) as recommended by the Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention and Management of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA). This checklist may also be used as a guidance for operators to structure their health operational management and control systems in accordance with the latest industry operational practices.

The IATA Health and Safety Checklist for Air Operators is ICAO endorsed as part of one of the recommendations of CART Takeoff. The document also accounts for main guidance from FAA and EASA.The checklist is available in PDF and XML formats.

Purchase the XML version of the IHSC checklist and gain operational efficiency

The XML format provides for traceability and efficiency as it allows seamless integration into audit documentation or  a safety management software. The XML format will also facilitate the update process.

Incorporating the XML checklist into a software: to gain access to the XML version of the IHSC your audit software provider will have to sign a license agreement with IATA. The XML checklist integration is done by the licensee on behalf of the airline.

Please contact our direct sales team for a quote for the IHSC XML version

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