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IATA Rates of Exchange (IROE) provides monthly updates of IATA currency rates of exchange used by the industry for fare/rate construction. They are built based on the average of the five banking days ending on the 10th of each month. Governed by Passenger Composite Resolution 024c, the IROE enables you to build fares in the Neutral Unit of Construction (NUC).

Notes: For this product, the signature of a Data License Agreement is required

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Order the IROE 

Delivered on a monthly basis the IROE is available in txt and csv file formats suitable for loading into your systems. A discount is available for IATA member airlines.

IATA Rates of Exchange (IROE)


Format: Data File   
Language: English   
Regular Price: USD $6932

Key Benefits

  • The data can be used for the combination and construction of local currency fares
  • Suitable for automatic upload in your systems
  • Reduces interline tickets rejections by assuring correct fare construction
  • Option to receive the file automatically via FTP

Designed for

  • Technical/Staff
  • Managers/Supervisors


For more detailed information and to get a sample data please contact us at