Empowering security within your organization: Unlock the potential of SeMS

Security Management Systems (SeMS) are integral to the aviation industry, providing a structured framework that proactively manages regulatory compliance, security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities. Organizations who take a SeMS approach transition from reactive to proactive security measures, emphasizing risk-based and data-driven strategies.

The SeMS certification program provides a structured framework and resources for organizations to assess and improve their security management systems. It guides organizations through the process of evaluating their current security measures, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes based on globally recognized standards and best practices, including the IATA SeMS Manual.

Based on a tiered approach, the program enables organizations to engage with the audit process at various stages of SeMS maturity, ensuring a customized and progressive journey towards achieving comprehensive security management excellence.

Ready to get started? 

Take your security management to the next level

  • Build trust with stakeholders – The SeMS Certification program provides a structured approach to document and present your security risk management and compliance activities, fostering trust with both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Embrace continuous improvement – An effective SeMS continuously evolves. Our program assists your organization in demonstrating dynamic and effective management and robust delivery of security.
  • Foster Collaboration and Security-Conscious Culture – Our program cultivates a culture of security through the encouragement of active security reporting. It emphasizes the collective responsibility of everyone in the organization towards security.
  • Boost Efficiency and Satisfaction – The SeMS Certification program helps streamline your organization’s security processes. By identifying and mitigating risks proactively. This leads to improved operational efficiencies as your organization can focus more on its core functions rather than on managing security crises.

Talk to a certification expert today to find out how we can help you ensure you're up to standard.

Note: IATA Certification does not handle the IATA accreditation program. If you are a travel agent or cargo agent, please visit the customer portal to get support regarding accreditation services and training.