Did you know that in the past 2 years, 16 participants from 12 countries have taken this course with IATA?
4-day (32 hours) classroom course

Learn how airlines and airports are trying to reduce and minimize their environmental impact, as well as their plans for continued future improvement. Discover how you can evaluate and address the specific environmental challenges facing your organization.
This course is part of the IATA - University of St. Gallen Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Global Aviation Management.

Course Code: TALL-34
Course format
- This classroom course provides 4 days (32 hours) of instruction delivered by lecturers and professors at the University of St. Gallen.
- Student performance will be based on an assessment.
- Participants should have a basic knowledge of common environmental issues.
- Recommended level is Intermediate.
- The recommended level of language proficiency is ICAO Operational Level 4 for courses in English or the equivalent level for other languages.
Upon completing this course you will be able to:
Identify key factors for a sustainable aviation sector
- Address specific environmental challenges within your organization
- Develop evaluation methods for proper environmental assessment and management
- Update communication messages and tools
The key topics that are covered during this course include:
Aviation emissions, the 4-pillar strategy and CORSIA
- Noise disturbance and the “Balanced Approach”
- Local Air Quality
- Waste and water management
- Wildlife diversity
- Environmental and Sustainability Management Systems
- Self-study material
- Group presentations
- Online quizzes
- Final paper
This course is recommended for:
- Airline and airport operators
- Civil aviation and regulatory authorities
- Aircraft and engine manufacturers
- Airport operators
- Air navigation service providers
A CFAC-UNISG Confirmation of Attendance is awarded upon successful completion of the course and assessment (required for the DAS Program).