Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) I (classroom)



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Did you know that in the past 5 years, 77 participants from 19 countries have taken this course with IATA?

About the course

5-day (40 hours) classroom course

IATA Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) aviation training course

Performance-based Navigation (PBN) is the most practical solution for the regulation of new navigation systems technology. PBN is based on Area Navigation, or RNAV, a method of navigation that permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of station-referenced navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these. The PBN Manual (ICAO Doc. 9613) defines and standardizes this navigation capability. It contains a menu of navigation specifications and implementation guidance for States, aircraft operators, and air navigation service providers. Due to implementation being slower than agreed under Assembly Resolution A37-11, PBN implementation of RNAV and RNP air traffic services routes and approach procedures is currently a top priority of ICAO. Be brought up to date on the PBN concept, GNSS theory, RNAV, RNP and airspace planning and design with this foundation course. PBN II is a follow-on course on PBN implementation.

Download the Outline

Course code: TCVT-20

Course format


  • Participants should have prior knowledge of ICAO Doc 9750 Global Air Navigation Plan, ICAO Doc 9613 Performance-based Navigation Manual.
  • Recommended level is Entry-level and Intermediate.
  • The recommended level of language proficiency is ICAO Operational Level 4 for courses in English or the equivalent level for other languages.

How to register

In-house training

To arrange in-house training for your company, please complete the in-house training request form or contact the Training Specialist in your region.

There are no scheduled classes at the moment

What you will learn

Upon completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Explain what ICAO PBN is about
  • Understand the role of PBN in Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) and Continuous Descent and Continuous Climb Operations
  • Distinguish between different types of Area Navigation (RNAV) systems
  • Explain the fundamentals of GNSS theory and GNSS separation standards and benefits
  • Know the basics of RNAV and RNP procedures design
  • Better understand Instrument Approach Procedures, Standard Instrument Departures and Arrivals (SIDs, STARs)

Course content

The key topics that are covered during this course include:

  • Evolution of ICAO Navigation Specifications
    • ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan and timeline
  • Types of Area Navigation (RNAV) systems
    • RNAV systems and individual navigation system technologies: DME/DME, IRU, INS, GNSS, GPS, SBAS, GBAS, Galileo
  • GNSS theory, separation standards, benefits
    • GNSS constellations and augmentations systems
    • Space-based and ground-based augmentations
    • GPS receivers, RAIM, interference and NOTAMs
    • GNSS approvals, GNSS (RNAV) approaches
    • Lateral and longitudinal GNSS (RNAV) separation
    • How to validate RNAV and RNP procedures
  • RNAV and RNP procedure design
    • Enroute and TMA RNAV procedures
    • Enroute Area Navigation, route spacing and TLS
    • Terminal Manoeuvring Area (TMA) Area Nav
    • Types of RNP and RNAV, regional variants
  • Instrument Approach Procedures
    • RNAV procedures and airspace design
    • Procedure protection area, airspace structure
  • Controlling aircraft using Standard Instrument Departures and Arrivals (SIDs, STARs)
    • Modular TMA area navigation implementation


  • Practical exercises

Who should attend

This course is recommended for:

  • Air Traffic Controllers, ANSP managers and supervisors
  • Beginner ATC procedures and airspace designers
  • Aircraft operators especially flight operations and planning managers and personnel
  • National and civil aviation authorities

Certificate awarded

An IATA Certificate of Completion is awarded to participants obtaining a grade of 70% or higher on all exercises and exams. A special distinction is awarded to participants obtaining a grade of 90% or higher.

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