Shaping the Future Together
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  • Partner Update
20 March 2023

ALOA is part of the IATA Strategic Partnerships Program

Collaborating is the key to build a sustainable Aviation Industry

Partnering with key stakeholders such as airlines, airport management companies and institutions represents an incredible asset to a wide, fast-changing global-based industry. This is why ALOA entered the IATA Strategic Partnerships Program since the beginning of 2023. As a Fuel Service Partner, we look forward to hearing and anticipating any potential needs of our customer base.

Aloa identifies the IATA network as an incredible opportunity to join the largest aviation community, with the aim to further develop services and infrastructure aimed at sustaining airlines and air freighters operations ensuring industry-wide business continuity, efficiency and productivity.

Meet us at the IATA Aviation Energy Forum (AEF)

The AEF is the premier industry meeting for the world's aviation fuel community and ALOA will take part in the next Forum in Seattle. We are looking forward to meeting airline representatives, fuel and SAF suppliers and other IATA Strategic Partners to discuss the industry's priorities and agree on actions to enhance efficiency and productivity, and better understand how to face and manage airlines’ commitment to deliver on the net zero 2050 pledge. Come and meet us at the IATA Aviation Energy Forum, ALOA will be more than pleased to schedule a meeting with you.

Quality is the driver for an excellent service development

ALOA is always striving for excellence and quality in the products and services we offer to our customers. According to the standard in Quality Management Systems, our fuel sales and business development services are certified ISO 9001 in Italy – an internationally recognized standard focused on processes and customer satisfaction. As a consequence, our company offers higher quality in products, processes and services, ensuring business continuity for all of our customers.

Furthermore, ALOA’s strong commitment to quality fosters the continuous improvement in the levels of customer satisfaction, managing the whole supply chain in favour of improved competitive advantages for all the key players involved in our business ecosystem.

Local Network

The integration with Carboil and Skyfuelling allows us to ensure the continuity of operations in all the airports we are currently working with, respecting the highest levels of safety and the best operating standards at an industry level. In 2012, Carboil was the first Italian non-oil company associated with the Joint Inspection Group (JIG), the organization that monitors compliance with quality standards in aviation fuel all over the world. Furthermore, Carboil has obtained the prestigious JIG Global Recognition Award as a recognition and reward for the company's excellence in the management of multiple aviation depots – being ALOA’s main partner for Intoplane services.

Nicola Di Lorenzo
Sales Development


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