Shaping the Future Together
  • Airlines
28 September 2022

IATA launches an Environmental Knowledge Center for airlines and partners

While air transport is committed to net zero emissions by 2050, aviation no less remains one of the most difficult industries to decarbonize. A crucial factor for airlines to reach the ambitious goal is access to practical knowledge about existing and future environmental solutions. Yet, the level of environmental knowledge, even on some of the most critical topics such as Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), widely varies from one airline to another and amongst the different professional categories. At the same time, there is a  plethora of information available online, which makes it often confusing and time-consuming to identify content that really matters.

As a result, in June 2022, IATA launched FlyAware, a digital platform with both bespoke and curated content on some of the most urgent topics such as SAF, new propulsions, carbon offsetting, environmental policies, and ESG reporting. 

“We built a user-friendly tool that provides access to information that truly responds to the needs of our members, covering both expert level and essential knowledge, explains Olga Miltcheva, IATA’s Head of Environment Knowledge and Engagement, it aims to be useful for airlines staff and partners with different profiles, from sustainability professionals to procurement and fuel experts. This is because the environment is very much a transversal priority”.

Once registered to FlyAware, IATA members and partners can have access to tailored news, reports, events recordings, and data, and get alerted whenever anything new is published in the multiple digital libraries. They can also participate in essential training and join some of the FlyAware communities to interact with other users.

At least once per month, they can attend exclusive virtual events and webinars and directly ask their questions to experts. One of the first such sessions was the Environment & Aviation Trends Forum, which was live streamed in July and covered, amongst others, an acclaimed panel discussion on Carbon Capture. Two other virtual sessions are already in the pipeline, an introduction to the IATA Environmental Assessment on 31 August and a presentation of the IATA CO2 Connect program on 21 September.

“For less than two months, FlyAware has received over 6,000 visits, says Olga Miltcheva - This is a bespoke sign that it responds to a real need and an important driver for us to continue the journey.”

FlyAware is available to IATA Strategic partners in the areas of Environment & Sustainability or Fuel. Request access to FlyAware now or contact directly



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