Shaping the Future Together
  • Industry Update
20 March 2023

New Strategic Partner Area of Involvement: New Aircraft Technologies

The IATA Strategic Partnerships program launches a new area of involvement focusing on new aircraft technologies

The IATA Technical and Flight Operations team are pleased to announce the launch of a new area of involvement that will focus exclusively on new aircraft technologies in aviation. To prepare for the future ecosystem and initiate the dialogue on required industry actions, IATA is establishing a task force with representatives from the industry to map out the key challenges and opportunities that will drive an industry strategy and action plan in the area of new aircraft technologies.

Strategic Partners will be invited to attend two task force meetings a year which brings together airlines, Strategic Partners, academics and subject matter experts, in order to explore and discuss new digital and technological trends and the latest developments of strategic importance to future operations. Additionally, the program will provide Strategic Partners with opportunities to attend virtual meetings and workshops focusing on industry strategy actions.

The key benefits include:

  • Exposure to the latest developments and trends by attending face-to-face working group sessions to explore:
    • New aircraft technologies
    • Industry, airport and regulatory preparedness
    • Emerging technology trends
    • Challenges and opportunities within the aviation sector
    • Updates on industry-led projects.
  • Acquire dedicated time by phone or face-to-face with the IATA team.

Interested in being a part of this new and exciting New Aircraft Technologies area? Please visit IATA Strategic Partners.

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