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Aircraft maintenance costs represent one of the top drivers of airline operations costs. In FY2019, the global airline spend on maintenance was about $82B with an airline average maintenance cost for IATA surveyed airlines of $378M per airline. Ensuring your airline applies the latest best practices as part of its Maintenance Program while optimizing the implementation of any new component of such a program plays an essential role in controlling your carrier’s operational costs.

Three critical elements are required to operationalize an effective airline maintenance program:

  1. Establishment of an aircraft maintenance program
  2. Proper monitoring of aircraft data
  3. Trained staff to oversee and handle aircraft maintenance

The wholistic perspective and thorough understanding of the maintenance program and its implementation are key for enabling the airline operational sustainability and for tailoring a successful business path. The IATA Maintenance Optimization Guidelines provide you with the roadmap to establish a program based on the latest best practices and industry standards.

In doing so, the consideration of elements like digital transformation of technical operations, use of aircraft health monitoring approach and access to adequately trained and competent human resources are utmost priorities for establishing your organization in today’s commercial aviation landscape.

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Buy the Aircraft Maintenance Optimization Guidelines online

Aircraft Maintenance Optimization Guidelines (AMOG)

Edition: 3
Format: Digital
Language: English
Regular Price: US $1000

What's inside the Aircraft Maintenance Optimization Guidelines?

The guidelines elaborate on background, insights, and outcomes provide in-depth insights on procedures and best practices while providing practical examples to help you create or optimize your airline's aircraft maintenance program with the goal to improve aircraft readiness and reduce operational costs. The guidelines are split into three sections:

Section sUMMARY
Maintenance Program Optimization Guidance Material This section provides a comprehensive review of the components that make an aircraft maintenance program, their role and potential in pursuing a tailored and optimized implementation at the individual organization level with primary focus on Operator’s Maintenance Program (OMP). It provides a summary of the type certificate holder's responsibility for the development of the initial maintenance program and its subsequent evolution based on new regulatory requirements, design changes and in-service experience.
Aircraft Health Monitoring and Reliability Program Guidance Material Aircraft reliability programs are essential to ensure safety and dependability. In order to achieve the highest level of aircraft dispatch reliability based on securing technical availability with top efficiency, it is essential to use operational data, pilot reports and assess the effectiveness of maintenance and training programs. This section covers how aircraft operational data can be used for tracking aircraft reliability and monitoring aircraft health in view of optimal decision making by the airlines.

Implementation of Competency-based Training in Maintenance (CBTA) Guidance Material


To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of training programs, students’ current competencies must be evaluated against the competencies that need to be achieved. This section gives guidance for a viable approach of aviation maintenance personnel Competency-based Training (CBT).

Still not sure if the Aircraft Maintenance Optimization Guidelines are for you?

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Maintenance Cost Webinars

Access the IATA Maintenance Cost webinar series. This four-episode series tackles key issues faced by airlines during and post-pandemic such as aircraft preservation and reactivation, aircraft leasing, sustainability, digital aircraft operations, etc