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1. General Terms & Conditions

  • Title to all documents, software and other materials (“Materials”), whether in hard copy, digital format, on diskette or in any other media given, disseminated or made available to the course participants by or for IATA shall always remain with IATA. For clarity, Materials include audiovisual works and the contents thereof streamed or otherwise digitally disseminated, whether in real-time or pre-recorded. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no part of such Materials may be reproduced, reformatted or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from IATA at its sole discretion.
  • IATA reserves the right to communicate a student's contact details and study record to prospective employers interested in hiring IATA Training graduates.
  • IATA makes no further warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the reliance, implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
  • IATA reserves the right to change the course content and/or delivery method without notice.
  • In no event shall IATA be liable for indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising under this agreement, even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
  • Participants are liable to verify local requirements with the respective authorities (e.g., Civil Aviation Authority of the country) before enrolling in any IATA course or exam.
  • Participants must be of legal adult age in the jurisdiction the course will be held to attend the course. IATA reserves the right to deny entry to any participants who do not meet this requirement.
  • Participants must ensure that their Training profile includes their name and date of birth as found in their passport or national ID, as the birth day and birth month are shown on their certificates, and reissuing of certificates may incur a fee.
  • IATA Training reserves the right to change prices and their currencies at any time without notice. The price and currency listed on our website at the time of registration for the course shall be the agreed price and currency.
  • In case of a discrepancy in the price or its currency of a training product between a partner website and IATA Training’s website, the price and its currency on the latter shall take precedence.
  • IATA’s liability for damages under this agreement shall in no event exceed the amount of the registration fees paid to IATA by the course participant involved.
  • When receiving payment via credit card, IATA reserves the right to ask for further authentication, documentation and/or authorization, including a copy of the credit card used and a copy of suitable quality of the passport of the cardholder/participant. If such information is not provided within 2 business days after IATA's request, IATA reserves the right to cancel the order/registration until such information is provided and the order/registration can be processed again.
  • If the participant's name and credit card holder's names are different, IATA reserves the right to cancel the order immediately unless passport copies of suitable quality of both the credit card holder and the participants together with suitable signed proof of the cardholder consent is provided along with the order.
  • Any payments under this Agreement must be made without any set-off or counterclaim and free of deduction or withholding (except as required by law) of any taxes, governmental charges or other fees. If any deduction or withholding is required by law, the Client must pay the required amount to the relevant governmental authority, provide IATA with an official receipt or certified copy or other documentation acceptable to IATA evidencing the payment, and pay to IATA, in addition to the payment to which IATA is otherwise entitled under this Agreement, such additional amount as is necessary to ensure that the net amount actually received by IATA free and clear of all taxes equals the full amount IATA would have received had no such deduction or withholding been required.
  • Should any taxes (including but not limited to any goods and services tax or other value-added tax), levies, fees, charges or duties be imposed, levied or become payable in respect of the services of this Agreement, the Client will pay any and all such taxes, levies, fees, charges and duties, in addition to any other payments due under this Agreement. In the event IATA pays any such tax or assessment, the Client will immediately reimburse IATA upon demand.
  • The IATA Training Academic Integrity Policy defines the principles of academic integrity, the behaviors that are contrary to these principles and the procedures for dealing with violations thereof.

2. Special Terms & Conditions: Self-study courses

  • Terms, conditions and fees are subject to change at any time and without advance notice.
  • Your enrollment period begins at the time of enrollment application. Your enrollment period cannot be extended.
  • Full payment of enrollment and shipping fees via bank transfer or credit card are required at the time of enrollment.
  • Training materials will be delivered in 5-15 business days following payment confirmation by the IATA Finance Department.
  • A full and/or partial refund of enrollment fees is not possible at any time.
  • A course enrollment cannot be transferred to another individual.
  • Exam questions are based on the current edition of the course materials.
  • Only one course examination is possible in one exam session. Should a first exam attempt result in a FAIL grade, it is your exclusive responsibility to re-register for the exam or re-enrol in the course.
  • Should you fail to cancel an exam registration before the exam registration deadline, this shall result in a 'no show' status and count as a FAIL grade.
  • Missed exam sessions will not be substituted or rescheduled.
  • You must advise IATA of any exam registration changes before the exam registration deadline.
  • IATA does not provide exam scores. You will receive your result as a Pass, Pass with Distinction or Fail.
  • An IATA course certificate or diploma is earned by passing the required exam(s) within your course enrollment period.

3. Special Terms & Conditions: E-learning courses

  • Terms, conditions and fees are subject to change at any time and without advance notice.
  • Your enrollment period begins when you are granted access to online training materials. Your enrollment period cannot be extended.
  • Full payment of enrollment via bank transfer or credit card is required at the time of enrollment.
  • Online training materials will be delivered in 5 business days following payment confirmation by the IATA Finance Department.
  • A full and/or partial refund of enrollment fees is not possible at any time.
  • A course enrollment cannot be transferred to another individual.
  • Exam questions are based on the current edition of the course materials.
  • The online exam can be taken any time within your course enrollment period.
  • You must advise IATA of any exam registration changes before taking your exam.
  • IATA does not provide exam scores. You will receive your result as a Pass or Fail.
  • An IATA course certificate is earned by passing the required exam(s) within your course enrollment period.
  • The IATA course certificate is available online for downloading and printing in pdf format to students who have successfully completed a course. No additional certificates are provided by IATA.

4. Special Terms & Conditions: Classroom courses

  • As per IATA’s intellectual property corporate policy, you understand and agree as a participant that it is prohibited to take pictures, perform videotaping and/or voice recording of the training session and/or training materials.
  • You agree that upon achieving IATA credential, your name and your class picture may be posted on IATA’s website as part of an Online Registry to be created and maintained by IATA.
  • By accepting these terms and conditions the participant certifies that he or she fulfills the prerequisites for the course he or she is registering for. In particular, the participant confirms that he or she is able to read, write and communicate in the language of instruction (as per the ICAO recommended level of language proficiency level 4).
  • All registrations must be received no later than 21 days prior to the course start date. Late registrations will be accommodated, provided that seats are available.
  • Payment may be made by credit card, bank transfer or through the IATA clearing house - cash payments cannot be accepted. Failing receipt of payment, IATA shall withhold certificate, diploma or attendance letter and reserves the right to deny access to the class. IATA will charge clearing house members via the Clearing House if their bank transfer fails to reach IATA within 45 days of service being rendered.
  • Complete payment must be received 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the class (or upon registration, whichever is later).
  • The early bird discount is only applicable to credit card and ICH payments.
  • Payment must be received before a visa invitation letter will be provided (if applicable). In the event that a visa application is refused, refunds will only be paid on submission of the visa rejection letter from the embassy or consulate.
  • The IATA Training Grading Policy (with Attendance Policy) describes IATA Training's grading system, when applicable to the course, sets attendance and participation requirements, and describes the criteria instructors use to grade student performance.
  • Please note that if you want to be a DGR Instructor in Switzerland, you must complete your training within Switzerland in order to be authorized by FOCA.

Video recording

  • You hereby agree that IATA training sessions may be recorded and photographed, and as such hereby grant your consent to be recorded, and photographed, and you allow IATA the right to use these recordings, and/or photographs singularly or in conjunction with other recordings and/or photographs for advertising, publicity, commercial, or other business purposes.
  • You agree that the term "photograph" or “photographed” as used includes still photographs and video footage.
  • You further consent to the reproduction by IATA and authorize IATA to reproduce and use the said photographs and recordings for use in all domestic and foreign markets in formats including, but not limited to, the internet, social media channels and classroom projections.
  • You hereby release IATA, and any of its employees and customers, from all claims of every kind on account of such use.

Cancellation made by the participant

  • Cancellation received by IATA more than 21 days prior to the course commencement: The course fee will be credited to be used for any other IATA training course purchased through our website within twelve months from the course start date of the initial registration. Alternatively, the course fee can be fully refunded to the participant.
  • Cancellation received by IATA less than 21 days prior to the course commencement:
    • USA & Canada only: The course fee, minus a non-refundable administrative charge of USD 500, will be credited to be used for any other IATA training course purchased through our website within twelve months from the course start date of the initial registration. If the credit is unused after one year, the participant is eligible for a refund of the remaining amount.
    • Rest of the world: IATA will not refund the course fee.

Cancellation made by IATA

  • IATA reserves the right to cancel any course up to 21 days prior to the course commencement and will immediately issue a credit note applicable to any subsequent course scheduled within a twelve-month period following the cancellation. Alternatively, the course fee can be fully refunded to the participant. IATA will not be liable for any other expenses incurred by course participants (i.e., airfare or hotel charges) whether the course fee payment has been received by IATA or not.
    • If following IATA’s cancellation policy, a refund is required, IATA will only refund the paid amount minus any relevant non-refundable administrative fee and minus the list price of any IATA publication included in the course that has already been consumed (i.e., physically shipped or digitally redeemed).
    • In the event a customer does not register for a course within twelve months of a credit note issuance and does not request a refund within fifteen months of the credit note issuance, the customer understands and agrees that he/she will not be able to claim the credit from IATA.

5. Special Terms and Conditions: Virtual Classroom courses

  • As per IATA’s intellectual property corporate policy, you understand and agree as a participant that it is prohibited to take pictures, perform videotaping and voice recording of or otherwise record or capture the virtual training session and/or training materials.
  • You agree that upon achieving IATA credential, your name and your class picture may be posted on IATA’s website as part of an Online Registry to be created and maintained by IATA.


  • By accepting these terms and conditions the participant certifies that he or she fulfills the prerequisites for the course he or she is registering for. In particular, the participant confirms that he or she is able to read, write and communicate in the language of instruction (as per the ICAO recommended level of language proficiency level 4).
  • The participant confirms his or her ability to fulfill the minimum technical requirements to access the virtual classes and course content as listed on the IATA website:

Registration Deadline

  • All registrations must be received no later than 14 days prior to the course start date. Late registrations will be accommodated, provided that seats are available.

Payment Information

  • Payment may be made by credit card, bank transfer or through the IATA clearing house - cash payments cannot be accepted. Failing receipt of payment, IATA shall withhold certificate, diploma or attendance letter and reserves the right to deny access to the class and charges IATA clearing house members via the Clearing House if their bank transfer fail to reach IATA within 45 days of service being rendered.
  • Complete payment must be received 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the class (or upon registration, whichever is later). The early bird discount is only applicable to credit card payments.

Cancellation made by the participant

  • Cancellation received by IATA more than 14 days prior to the course commencement: The course fee will be credited to be used for any other IATA training course purchased through our website within twelve months from the course start date of the initial registration. Alternatively, the course fee can be fully refunded to the participant.
  • Cancellation received by IATA 14 days or less prior to the course commencement for courses held in:
    • Canada & USA: The course fee, minus a non-refundable administrative charge of USD 500, will be credited to be used for any other IATA training course purchased through our website within twelve months from the course start date of the initial registration. If the credit is unused after one year, the participant is eligible for a refund of the remaining amount.
    • Rest of the world: IATA will not refund the course fee.

Cancellation made by IATA

  • IATA reserves the right to cancel any course up to 14 days prior to the course commencement and will immediately issue a credit note applicable to any subsequent course scheduled within a twelve-month period following the cancellation. Alternatively, the course fee can be fully refunded to the participant. IATA will not be liable for any other expenses incurred by course participants whether the course fee payment has been received by IATA or not.
    • If following IATA’s cancellation policy, a refund is required, IATA will only refund the paid amount minus any relevant non-refundable administrative fee and minus the list price of any IATA publication included in the course that has already been consumed (i.e., physically shipped or digitally redeemed).
  • In the event a customer does not register for a course within twelve months of a credit note issuance and does not request a refund within fifteen months of the credit note issuance, the customer understands and agrees that he/she will not be able to claim the credit from IATA.

Grading and Attendance

  • The IATA Training Grading Policy (with Attendance Policy) describes IATA Training's grading system, when applicable to the course, sets attendance and participation requirements, and describes the criteria instructors use to grade student performance.


  • IATA’s virtual classroom course for Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for Accepting DG Consignments - Recurrent was developed to address the renewal of DGR certificates under travel and business limitations as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We strongly advise that you check with your appropriate local authority if a virtual classroom training solution will be accepted.

Video recording

  • You hereby agree that IATA training sessions may be recorded and photographed, and as such hereby grant your consent to be recorded, and photographed, and you allow IATA the right to use these recordings, and/or photographs singularly or in conjunction with other recordings and/or photographs for advertising, publicity, commercial or other business purposes.
  • You agree that the term "photograph" or “photographed” as used includes still photographs, video footage and captures of video streaming.
  • You further consent to the reproduction by IATA and authorize IATA to reproduce and use the said photographs and recordings for use in all domestic and foreign markets in formats including, but not limited to, the internet, social media channels and classroom projections.
  • You hereby release IATA, and any of its employees and customers, from all claims of every kind on account of such use.

6. Special Terms & Conditions: Virtual Programs co-delivered by Harvard Business Publishing

  • As per IATA’s intellectual property corporate policy, you understand and agree as a participant that it is prohibited to take pictures, perform videotaping and voice recording of the training session and/or training materials. You agree that upon achieving IATA credential, your name and your class picture may be posted on IATA’s website as part of an Online Registry to be created and maintained by IATA.
  • All registrations must be received no later than 30 days prior to the course start date. Late registrations will be accommodated, provided that seats are available.
  • Payment may be made by credit card, bank transfer or through the IATA clearing house - cash payments cannot be accepted. Failing receipt of payment, IATA reserves the right to deny access to the class. Complete payment must be received 4 weeks prior to the beginning of the class (or upon registration, whichever is later), or within 2 weeks of registration for the early bird discount to remain valid. The early bird discount is only applicable to credit card payments.

Cancellation made by the participant

  • Cancellation received by IATA more than 60 days prior to the commencement of the course: IATA will issue a credit note applicable to any subsequent course scheduled within the twelve-month period following the cancellation. A full refund of the course fee can be provided upon written request to IATA.
  • Cancellation received by IATA less than 60 days prior to the course commencement: IATA will not refund the course fee. Upon written request to IATA, the participant may elect a colleague to take the same course in his/her place without any additional cost. All cancellations must be sent to IATA in writing. Course fees, whether paid or not, remain due in case of failure to attend a course for which a participant has registered, without having given prior notice to IATA (a ''no-show'').

Cancellation made by IATA

  • IATA reserves the right to cancel any course up to 60 days prior to the course commencement and will immediately issue a credit note applicable to any subsequent course scheduled within a twelve-month period following the cancellation. A full refund of the course fee can be provided upon written request. IATA will not be liable for any other expenses incurred by course participants (i.e., airfare or hotel charges) whether the course fee payment has been received by IATA or not.
    • In the event a course participant does not register for a course within the twelve-month validity period of a credit note, the course participant understands and agrees that he/she will not be able to claim the credit from IATA.

7. Personal Data Consent

  • The IATA Privacy Policy informs participants of our privacy practices and of the choices they can make about the way their information is collected online and how that information is used.
  • Participants expressly consent to IATA using your Personal Data for the purposes of delivering the Product(s) and performing any services directly related thereto, including without limitation, the provision of training courses.
  • Participants further expressly consent to IATA transferring their Personal Data to its subcontractors, their employees and their subcontractors, for the purposes of (i) delivering the Product(s), (ii) performing services directly related to the Product(s), including without limitation, the performance of any remote proctoring services, and (iii) collecting and processing Personal Data required in the delivery of the Product(s) and services directly related thereto.
  • For the avoidance of doubt, IATA shall include any employee and consultant, as the case may be, who are providing or delivering the Product(s) and service(s) directly related thereto.

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the province of Quebec and the applicable laws of Canada, excluding conflict of laws provisions. Any dispute resulting from this agreement shall be exclusively settled by the courts of the province of Quebec, Canada.

Last Update: 20 August 2024