Learn by doing and acquire hands-on know-how

We all learn best through experience. We use our senses to gain an idea of how to do it. We try. We make mistakes. We examine and think about what happened, and what to change. We try again. In the world of air transport, however, mistakes can have serious consequences. That’s why the risk-free environment of simulations is valuable to both learners and their organizations. They enable people to assimilate the knowledge required, without impact on safety, performance or customer service. IATA Training’s goal is to create a dynamic learning environment that challenges people to think creatively, problem-solve, and develop new skills and perspectives.

Understand what experiential learning can do for you

Aviation Professionals

Wondering how experiential learning can help your career?
Download our primer: 6 Reasons Why You Should Take a Simulation-Based Course.

Training Buyers

Want to find out how experiential learning can meet your teams' development needs? Book a demo for a simulation course and a discussion with an IATA Training advisor.

Discover our most popular simulation-based courses

Recent courses developed to enable experiential learning

Did you know that we have delivered over 500 sessions of our 20 simulation courses to 8,000 trainees and organizations like the below?