4-day (32 hours) classroom course

Contribute to your company’s success by learning how to develop and optimize a route network, select, acquire and manage the optimum fleet and create a competitive flight schedule. In this course, you will expand your planning and management skills and better understand the different processes and interactions required to be profitable or deal with market fluctuations.

This course is part of the IATA - University of St. Gallen Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS) in Global Aviation Management.
Course Code: TALM-61
Course format
- This classroom course provides 4 days (32 hours) of instruction delivered by lecturers and professors at the University of St. Gallen.
- Student performance will be based on an assessment.
- Recommended level is Intermediate.
- The recommended level of language proficiency is ICAO Operational Level 4 for courses in English or the equivalent level for other languages.
Upon completing this course you will be able to:
Implement successful network, fleet and scheduling strategies and tactics
- Use KPI’s to monitor the performance of an airline
- Make effective network and fleet choices
- Create a schedule aligned with the airlines‘ strategy
The key topics that are covered during this course include:
- Airline planning process
- Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- Passenger flows: point-to-point vs origin - destination
- Drivers in network and fleet optimization
- Route and aircraft evaluation
- Schedule design and planning
- Scenario planning using the new Next Generation simulation software
This course is recommended for:
- Network, fleet and schedule planning staff
- Airline relations managers at airports
- Sales and marketing staff at aircraft manufacturers
- Government policy makers and regulators
A CFAC-UNISG Confirmation of Attendance is awarded upon successful completion of the course and assessment (required for the DAS Program).