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A truly worldwide system: there are BSP operations in more than 180 countries and territories.


The system currently serves more than 400 participating airlines with an on-time settlement rate of 99.999%.

​Train yourself in all operations aspects of Billing and Settlement Procedures

Designed to simplify and facilitate the selling, reporting, and remitting procedures of IATA Accredited Passenger Sales Agents and to improve financial control and cash flow for BSP Airlines, BSP is now operating in more than 180 countries and territories worldwide serving more than 400 participating airlines.

BSP and BSPlink training tailored for Travel Agents and Airlines

​Designed to simplify and facilitate the selling, reporting, and remitting procedures of IATA Accredited Passenger Sales Agents and to improve financial control and cash flow for BSP Airlines, BSP is now operating in more than 180 countries and territories worldwide serving more than 400 participating airlines.

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