Position Papers

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Aviation Security

Aviation Cyber Security

AOSP/SSP Implementation Challenges


Since the introduction of two new global standards for Aircraft Operator Security Program (AOSP) and Supplementary Station Procedures (SSP) in ICAO Annex 17 in November 2022, many States face difficulties in implementing these new requirements in an efficient manner for both the authorities and the airlines.

The AOSPs must only be reviewed/validated by the States of the Operators, while SSPs are supplementary to AOSPs and only needed when the requirements of the States of the Operations are not already addressed in the AOSPs. If needed, SSPs are then reviewed/validated by the States of the Operations. In all cases, Letters of Acknowledgement are required.

Read IATA's Supporting Guidance for AOSP / SSP (2024) (pdf)

> Access ICAO's Guidance Material