Modern Airline Retailing aims to break down the silos between operational and commercial processes, creating a technological environment centered on enabling a frictionless interaction between customers and airlines, at any stage of the air travel journey.
Two standards are central to the realization of this ambition:
Together, ONE Order and One ID will transform the travel experience, making it truly customer-centric and simplifying processes at various touchpoints, such as the boarding process and border crossing.
This unified approach will allow airlines to act as true retailers, hosting all purchased services in one single Order and sharing information with relevant stakeholders in real-time through APIs.
The latest Airline Retailing Consortium white paper “Modern Airline Retailing: Leveraging Orders and Digital Identity to Enhance the Customer Travel Experience”, delves into the future of this vision and the related airline processes.
Access the paper to gain a comprehensive look at this not-so-distant future.
To explore the vision of MAR with 100% Offers and Orders and more timely and real-world MAR thought leadership, visit the Airline Retailing Consortium releases webpage.