《危险品规则》危险品托运验收要求—初训 ( 教室 )




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IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for Accepting DG consignments aviation training course



课程代码: TCGG-61-ZH




  • 推荐级别为初级人员和专业人员。
  • 推荐的语言水平为 ICAO操作级别4 用于英语课程或其他语言的同等水平。



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《危险品规则》危险品托运验收要求—初训 ( 教室 )

China, Shanghai (IATA)
14 - 18 October, 2024
在 23 Sep, 2024 之前注册可获得USD100的折扣. 价格显示此折扣。
请通过 23 Sep 注册
班级编号 200559 中文
USD 1,070
USD 1,140
USD 1,275

Please note that prices DO NOT include the 6% Chinese VAT. The VAT must be paid additionally if applicable to your registration.

Find out more about our IATA Training Center in Shanghai, including details about the Training Center, a map to help you find it, and a schedule of all the upcoming courses being held in Shanghai.

《危险品规则》危险品托运验收要求—初训 ( 教室 )

China, Beijing (IATA)
4 - 8 November, 2024
在 14 Oct, 2024 之前注册可获得USD100的折扣. 价格显示此折扣。
请通过 14 Oct 注册
班级编号 200719 中文
USD 1,070
USD 1,140
USD 1,275

Please note that prices DO NOT include the 6% Chinese VAT. The VAT must be paid additionally if applicable to your registration.

Find out more about our IATA Training Center in Beijing, including details about the Training Center, a map to help you find it, and a schedule of all the upcoming courses being held in Beijing.

《危险品规则》危险品托运验收要求—初训 ( 教室 )

China, Shanghai (IATA)
9 - 13 December, 2024
在 18 Nov, 2024 之前注册可获得USD100的折扣. 价格显示此折扣。
请通过 18 Nov 注册
班级编号 200560 中文
USD 1,070
USD 1,140
USD 1,275

Please note that prices DO NOT include the 6% Chinese VAT. The VAT must be paid additionally if applicable to your registration.

Find out more about our IATA Training Center in Shanghai, including details about the Training Center, a map to help you find it, and a schedule of all the upcoming courses being held in Shanghai.

《危险品规则》危险品托运验收要求—初训 ( 教室 )

China, Beijing (IATA)
3 - 7 March, 2025
在 03 Dec, 2024 之前注册可获得20%的折扣 (只适用于信用卡或ICH 支付)*。 下面的价格包括这一折扣。*适用条款
请通过 10 Feb 注册
班级编号 229452 中文
USD 936
USD 992
USD 1,100

Please note that prices DO NOT include the 6% Chinese VAT. The VAT must be paid additionally if applicable to your registration.

Find out more about our IATA Training Center in Beijing, including details about the Training Center, a map to help you find it, and a schedule of all the upcoming courses being held in Beijing.

《危险品规则》危险品托运验收要求—初训 ( 教室 )

China, Shanghai (IATA)
12 - 16 May, 2025
在 12 Nov, 2024 之前注册可获得25%的折扣 (只适用于信用卡或ICH 支付)*。 下面的价格包括这一折扣。*适用条款
请通过 21 Apr 注册
班级编号 230648 中文
USD 878
USD 930
USD 1,031

Please note that prices DO NOT include the 6% Chinese VAT. The VAT must be paid additionally if applicable to your registration.

Find out more about our IATA Training Center in Shanghai, including details about the Training Center, a map to help you find it, and a schedule of all the upcoming courses being held in Shanghai.

《危险品规则》危险品托运验收要求—初训 ( 教室 )

China, Beijing (IATA)
21 - 25 July, 2025
在 21 Jan, 2025 之前注册可获得25%的折扣 (只适用于信用卡或ICH 支付)*。 下面的价格包括这一折扣。*适用条款
请通过 30 Jun 注册
班级编号 229454 中文
USD 878
USD 930
USD 1,031

Please note that prices DO NOT include the 6% Chinese VAT. The VAT must be paid additionally if applicable to your registration.

Find out more about our IATA Training Center in Beijing, including details about the Training Center, a map to help you find it, and a schedule of all the upcoming courses being held in Beijing.

《危险品规则》危险品托运验收要求—初训 ( 教室 )

China, Beijing (IATA)
3 - 7 November, 2025
在 03 May, 2025 之前注册可获得25%的折扣 (只适用于信用卡或ICH 支付)*。 下面的价格包括这一折扣。*适用条款
请通过 13 Oct 注册
班级编号 229453 中文
USD 878
USD 930
USD 1,031

Please note that prices DO NOT include the 6% Chinese VAT. The VAT must be paid additionally if applicable to your registration.

Find out more about our IATA Training Center in Beijing, including details about the Training Center, a map to help you find it, and a schedule of all the upcoming courses being held in Beijing.

《危险品规则》危险品托运验收要求—初训 ( 教室 )

China, Shanghai (IATA)
8 - 12 December, 2025
在 08 Jun, 2025 之前注册可获得25%的折扣 (只适用于信用卡或ICH 支付)*。 下面的价格包括这一折扣。*适用条款
请通过 17 Nov 注册
班级编号 230649 中文
USD 878
USD 930
USD 1,031

Please note that prices DO NOT include the 6% Chinese VAT. The VAT must be paid additionally if applicable to your registration.

Find out more about our IATA Training Center in Shanghai, including details about the Training Center, a map to help you find it, and a schedule of all the upcoming courses being held in Shanghai.



  • 满足合规要求
  • 从事与验收危险品托运有关的任务
  • 执行国际航协《危险品规则》手册,核验危险品运输单证、包装、标记和标签的准确性
  • 探讨涉及航空危险品运输的利益相关方的法律责任



  • 重要利益相关方的法律责任
  • 理解和执行最新国际航协《危险品规则》的相关章节
  • 危险品准确标识和分类的重要性
  • 包装类型的安全影响和净数量限制
  • 使用正确的标记和标签,沟通危险和处理要求
  • 放射性物质运输
  • 正确填写验收对照检查表,满足强制核验要求
  • 国家和承运人信息变动对危险品验收的影响



  • 练习和案例研究;基于模拟场景的实践验收练习
  • 最终评测(理论/实践)



  • 航空公司、货站运营机构、货运代理机构、地勤公司的以下工作人员:
    • 负责验收危险品托运
    • 从事危险品托运货物验收


所有练习和考试得分达到 80% 或以上的学员将获得 IATA 结业证书。 得分达到 90% 或以上的学员将获得优秀评价。请注意:该证书的有效期为24个月。

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