peter-cerda-2015.pngDear Colleagues,

While the industry is in the middle of a busy summer season, we welcomed some good news in Argentina, where the Government of President Milei issued a national decree aimed at opening up the country's aviation sector. The reform will boost the number of routes, flight frequencies and create more fair competition amongst operators. In addition to the new decree the government has signed several agreements promoting Open Skies between Argentina and Brazil, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Uruguay and Canada, which are expected to further increase connectivity.

These policy improvements and agreements with other countries will help the airline industry to better connect Argentina to the rest of the world and strengthen the country's tourism sector. 

I look forward to more discussions between the authorities and the industry to maximize air transport in the country's economic and social development at our upcoming Aviation Day for Argentina on September 5th in Buenos Aires. 

From a wider industry perspective, IATA released its latest global passenger data for May 2024: Strong demand for travel continues with airlines posting a 10.7% year-on-year increase in travel for May. Airlines filled 83.4% of their seats, a record for the month. 

In the Americas, North American carriers saw an 8.1% year-on-year increase in demand. Capacity increased 9.7% year-on-year, and the load factor fell to 84.0% (-1.2ppt compared to May 2023).

Latin American airlines saw a 15.9% year-on-year increase in demand. Capacity climbed 14.3% year-on-year. The load factor rose to 85.1% (+1.2ppt compared to May 2023), the highest among the regions! You can access the full analysis with more details

Lastly, I am pleased to share that Helen Kouyoumdjian has joined us as IATA’s Country Manager for Chile, after Gabriela Peralta’s well-deserved retirement. You can reach Helen at and I am confident Helen will be of great support to you and our industry for any Chile specific priorities. 

As usual, please find IATA’s latest activities across the Americas below. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or ideas for further follow up. Thank you for your on-going support. 

Best regards,

Peter Cerdá

IATA’s Regional Vice President, The Americas

​Americas Focus: Archive

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