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IATA's Security Management System (SeMS) addresses a risk-based and data-driven approach, which is indispensable to aviation security. The SeMS Manual and the SeMS Competency Test are essential SeMS tools, and all airlines are strongly encouraged to report security incidents via the Incident Data eXchange (IDX).
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Aviation Security Forum | Montreal, Canada | 5-6 November 2025
The next Aviation Security Forum will take place in Montreal, Canada on 5-6 November 2025.
Register your interest to attend by contacting us at
Attendance is free and you are welcome to contribute to the development of the program by offering topics.
About the SeMS Workshop
At the inaugural SeMS Workshop (2022), there was a general agreement to generate agnostic/generic SeMS information for wider use and dissemination. The SeMS Key Information (pdf) also includes other useful links. In addition, a SeMS Aviation Community has been created for all willing to share and learn about SeMS.
In June 2024, an AOSP/SSP workshop, organized by IATA took place in Singapore to explore the impact of SeMS oversight functions related to security measures implemented by External Service Providers (ESPs), as well as the sharing of their assessments within the aviation security community. The Executive Summary of the AOSP/SSP workshop is available on request.
On 11 November 2024, an SeMS workshop took place in Geneva for presenting all current and coming SeMS initiatives, products and tools supporting the existing IOSA Standards that could impact all stakeholders of the aviation ecosystem, such as the new IOSA provision promoting SeMS before External Service Providers (ESPs) in ISM/17 (SEC 1.11.3). SeMS Aviation Community, new Edition of the SeMS Manual, SeMS courses, SeMS Toolkit for ESPs, and the new SeMS Certification program were discussed.
Embedding Security into the Business
IATA has demonstrated the value of SeMS through its IOSA Program for almost two decades. SeMS contributes to the capability of airlines, and their partners and External Service Providers (ESPs), to manage security in an ever-changing reality. The latest edition of the IATA SeMS Manual aims to provide a natural security approach evolution including risk assessment to be adopted by all aviation stakeholders. IATA developed tools for self-assessing SeMS posture (SeMS Toolkit for ESPs) and evaluating, via an independent, robust and structured framework SeMS readiness of major skateholders with a new SeMS Certification program. IATA encourages all actors to recognize the value-added of implementing SeMS in a manner tailored to individual needs.
SeMS Competency Test
The SeMS Competency Test is offered as a harmonized method of assessing the SeMS expertise of individuals assigned with security responsibilities. It is an industry benchmark to assess someone's SeMS proficiency level through a standardized, objective and transparent validation method.
The results of this assessment could be used for qualifications check during recruitment; quality control; or to design an individual professional development plan. It can also help to professionalize SeMS related positions by linking the assessment results with job-roles (SeMS/security managers, security supervisors, auditors, instructors).
Other Tools & Resources
- SeMS course (5-day): Global availability.
- IATA’s training catalogue for aviation security
SeMS-Related Tools & Resources
- Security Awareness & Incident Reporting Videos (13 languages, free).
- SeMS-Quiz (free) and SeMS Competency Test (paid).
- SeMS Manual: Up-to-date guide for all security managers
- SeMS Toolkit for ESPs: A self-assessment tool to measure SeMS maturity for small to large entities as a preamble for the SeMS certification program.
- Want to join the SeMS Aviation Community? Contact:
Building a Security Culture
Focusing on the human factor, SeMS reinforces the security culture. A security culture should be promoted through a 'lead by example' approach and formulated through the company's Security Policy to get the buy-in of the frontline staff.
Good awareness, training, and information exchange is indispensable. To structure data collection, IATA promotes a security occurrences’ taxonomy, embedded in the Incident Data Exchange (IDX), also used in multiple IATA publications including the IATA SeMS Manual, Airport Handling Manual (AHM), and the IOSA Standards Manual (SEC 4.3.3).
Other International Guidance Material
- ICAO’s SeMS Guidance
- 2010: First guidance in ICAO’s 7th Edition of Aviation Security Manual.
- Current manual includes a dedicated SeMS chapter (Doc 8973, Chapter 9.3).
- Focus: Security Culture and Corporate Security Policy as SeMS pillars.
- ICAO’s Public Guidance Material
- Check in particular ICAO guidance on Incident Reporting, and AOSP and SSP, as well as other important security-related topics.
- IATA SeMS Manual
- Since 2017 - Up-to-date guide for all security managers.
- ACI 1st Edition (2024) of the ACI Security Management System (SeMS) Handbook.
- Focus: Proactive holistic airport security.
Training and International Education Initiatives
- ICAO’s Aviation Security Professional Management Course (AVSEC PMC)
- Since 2004, Collaboration: John Molson School of Business (Concordia University).
- Benchmark program with over 1,100 alumni globally.
- Many alumni hold key positions in aviation security today.
- ICAO & Buckinghamshire New University: Master of Science (MSc) in Aviation Security
- Two-year program.
- ICAO & ACI: Management of Airport Security Course
- Format: 5-day in-person or virtual course.
- IATA SeMS course
- Format: 5-day: Global availability.