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Every year IATA updates its Passenger Standards to stay up-to-date with the industry's latest regulations, trends, and best practices. To comply with the latest regulations and resolutions, it's important to renew your Passenger Standards every year.
The complete list of significant changes for each Passenger Standard manual is detailed below.
Passenger Services Conference Resolution Manual (PSCRM)
(Formerly called the Passenger Standards Conference Manual (PSCM))
New items:
- Recommended Practice 1726 – Passenger CO2 Calculation Methodology: Establishes the principles and methodologies used to calculate CO2
- Recommended Practice 1780s – Standard Retailer and Supplier Interline Agreement (SRSIA):
Updates to the previous edition:
- Resolution 700 – Acceptance and Carriage of Passenger Requiring Assistance: Standardized the terminology to be more inclusive of Passengers with Disabilities (PWD) in alignment with the IATA Passenger Accessibility Process Manual (IPAOM).
- Resolution 735d – Involuntary Reroute Flow Chart: Flow Chart updated to align with the settlement process changes approved by the IBS OPS General Meeting.
- Resolution 780 – IATA Interline Traffic Agreement-Passenger: Aligned current definitions and added new terminology. Clarifying the sale/issuance of EMDs that pertain to Excess Baggage Charges.
- Recommended Practice 1720a – Standards Thirteen Digit Numbering System for Traffic Documents: Updated Attachment A's table of form codes.
Passenger Tariffs Conference Composite Manual (PTCCM)
(Formerly called the Passenger Standards Conference Tariffs Manual (PSCTM))
- Rescission of Resolution 312
- Inclusion of language addressing intermodal services in Resolution 011c, Section B
- Updates to Dominican Republic, Malawi, Belarus, East Caribbean Dollar, Sao Tome, and Principe, Zimbabwe currencies
- Update of Resolution 024d to include language addressing rounding for orders and offers
- Amendment of Resolution 017c, Paragraph 2) a) iv)
Reservations Handbook (RH)
- The latest edition includes updates to special booking procedures and conditions for BLND/DEAF/WCHS/WCHC.
A4A-IATA Reservations Interline Procedures (AIRIMP)
- Removal of reference to use an honorific name element and replace with use of FNU for First Name Unknown (No Family Name and No Given Names)
- Addition of new SSR for Branded Fare - Fare Family
- Updated SSR descriptions for SSR Codes BLND, DEAF, WCHS, WCHC, MEDA
- SSR matrix for YPTA : change to Mandatory
Ticketing Handbook (THB)
- Elaboration as to the usage of the rural airport's tax in the US identified with code ZP
- Updates to the Form Of Payments codes
- Updates to some Reason for Issuance Sub Codes used in EMDs
- Elaboration on surcharge codes YQ/YR
- How to issue a ticket for the Name field- Change of gender
- Amendments to the Limitation of the value of the EMD- Travel agents
- New examples: Elaboration as to the payment in dual currencies countries
- New examples: Elaboration as to the refund when the ticket is being reissued by a second carrier
Multilateral Interline Traffic Agreements (MITA)
- Changes to the following MITA Agreements:
- Resolution 780: For of Interline Agreement – Passenger
- Resolution 780e: Interline Traffic Participation – Passenger
- Recommended Practice 1780e: Intermodal Interline Traffic Agreement – Passenger
- Recommended Practice 1780f: Interline Traffic Agreement for enhanced Distribution Capability – Passenger
- New Recommended Practices:
- 1780a – Baseline checklist
- 1780b – Interline Framework Ticketed and Ticketless Carriers
Airline Coding Directory (ACD) and Location Identifiers
- More than 200 changes in airline codes
- More than 60 changes in location identifiers