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MANUAL language print
​Airport Handling Manual (AHM) ​English ​$659 ​$629
Baggage Reference Manual (BRM) English $469 $449
Cargo Agency Conference Resolution Manual (CACRM) English $363 ​$332
​Cargo Handling Manual (ICHM) ​English ​$176 ​$147
Cargo Services Conference Resolution Manual (CSCRM) ​English $363 ​$332
Compassionate Transportation Manual (CTM) English $159 $150
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) English $387 ​$344
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) French $398 $355
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) German $398 $355
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Russian $213 ​$189
Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) Spanish $398 ​$355
​Ground Operations Manual (IGOM) ​English $169 ​$149
​Ground Operations Manual (IGOM) ​French ​$169 ​$159
​Ground Operations Manual (IGOM) ​Spanish $169 ​$159
​Infectious Substances Shipping Regulations (ISSR) ​English ​$234 ​$209
​Live Animals Regulations (LAR) ​English $341 ​$321
Live Animals Regulations (LAR) ​French ​$352 ​$321
Live Animals Regulations (LAR) ​Spanish ​$352 ​$321
Lithium Battery Shipping Regulations (LBSR) ​English ​$234 ​$209
Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR) English ​$341 ​$321
Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR) ​French ​$352 ​$321
​Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR) ​Spanish ​$352 ​$321
Standard Procedures for Preloading Advance Cargo Information (PLACI) English $216 $226
Temperature Control Regulations (TCR) ​English $341 ​$321
Temperature Control Regulations (TCR) ​French ​$352 ​$321
Temperature Control Regulations (TCR) ​Spanish ​$352 ​$321
​ULD Regulations (ULDR) ​English ​$539 ​$482