IATA offers a step by step approach to Revenue Management training. Learn how airlines optimize revenue management opportunities, apply financial analysis and modeling techniques and resolve common problems faced by financial decision makers. Examine why airlines are launching multi-brand products to compete more cost-effectively in the marketplace, and how the development of profitable network fleet plans and an effective flight schedule benefit the revenue of an airline. Choose one (or more) courses that incorporate the IATA Revenue Management simulator, providing a combination of theory and hands-on practice to validate your learning using our sophisticated airline revenue management simulator.
Diploma code: DIPL-102
Upon completion of this diploma you will be able to:
Candidates must complete 2 Required courses and 2 Elective courses within three years.
A passing mark of 70% is required on all assignments and exams. A special distinction is awarded to candidates who obtain a distinction in all, or all but one, of all course exams and assignments that make up this Diploma.
Explore the fundamentals and principles of airline revenue management (RM) through a combination of theory and hands-on practice, and validate your learning using our sophisticated airline revenue management simulator.
Gain a competitive advantage with this advanced course on airline revenue management (RM) concepts, and validate your learning using our sophisticated airline management revenue simulator.
Learn how ancillary sales work, the impact on airline and distribution systems, and how to develop ancillary revenue.
Learn key route forecasting and scheduling techniques that will help you get the best use of your aircraft resources and fleet.
Learn methods for calculating the financial performance of different routes, forecasting cost and revenue drivers, and planning for the future development of your network.