155th IATA Slot Conference

Singapore, Singapore
19 - 22 November 2024
Marina Bay Sands

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About the IATA Slot Conference​

The IATA Slot Conference (ISC) is a business meeting, attracting over 1,300+ delegates, with representatives of well over 300 capacity-constrained airport and 250+ individual airlines and 90+ sponsors and exhibitors that attend from all corners of the globe.

This twice-yearly meeting is one of IATA's largest events, which regularly rotates locations throughout the world. The conference has been taking place since 1948 and is a significant moment in the aviation planning diary, allowing the global airline community the opportunity to meet for quickfire optimisation of their planned schedules, while looking at new opportunities for route and network growth.

The goal of the conference is for airlines to obtain the slots that will give them the best possible schedule to offer their customers at coordinated airports.

The conference operating procedures are published in the Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines (WASG)


"Great venue and really appreciate all the hard work invested to make the conference successful! Thank you!"
- Head Coordinator

"Have not attended the slot conference for many years, I found great improvement, good job well done!"
- Head Airline Representative

"Proved to be the perfect platform for route development discussions with airlines you wish to attract to your airport in a relaxed atmosphere!"
- Exhibitor/Sponsor

“Hosting the conference and showcasing our city to key decision makers and delegates from around the world was invaluable”
- Host Sponsor


People you will meet



  • VP’s of Network Planning
  • Slot Managers
  • Schedule Planning Managers
  • Route Development Managers
  • Charter Managers
  • Fleet Planning Managers


  • Heads of Traffic Development
  • Marketing Directors
  • Route Development Managers​


The activities of the Slot Conference are managed by the Worldwide Airport Slots Department.


This event requires registration. Invitations to register for ISC155 have been sent to all accredited delegates 22 July 2024.

How to register

The registration site has clear instructions for each section.  If you need further assistance, please refer to the step by step instructions (pdf) that give additional information (including information on registration payments and representing more than one company).


It is the responsibility of the Head Delegate of each Airline and Coordinator/Facilitator organization to make sure their delegation is up to date as only delegates accredited in the Online Accreditation System can be invited to register for the conference. If you have not received an invitation, please check with the Head Delegate of your organization that you are accredited, if not they should do this. We have created a help page for OAS with more information. For more information and terms of reference of all delegates types (accredited and non accredited), please review Attending the IATA Slot Conference (pdf).

Registration fees

  Regular Early bird**
Delegate fee 200 USD per delegate 150 USD per delegate
Additional Non-IATA Member Airline fee* 1000 USD per company 1000 USD per company

* IATA Member Airlines list

** Early bird fee is applied to registrations completed within 6 weeks from the start of registration

Taxes/fees: All rates are subject to all applicable local taxes that apply at the time. Taxes and fees are subject to change without notice.

Please note that the delegate registration fee applies to airline representatives and slot coordinators / schedule facilitators that are attending the conference in order to adjust and discuss their schedules for the forthcoming season only. 

If you are interested in attending the conference in a marketing capacity to promote your organization, please see the sponsors/exhibitors section.

Travel information

Please refer to our guide containing official information and government links for travel to and from Singapore (pdf). Delegates are reminded that it is their individual responsibility to ensure they meet the requirements for entry to Singapore.

Letters in support of visa applications

If required, letters in support of visa applications are requested through registration. Once you have completed your registration you will receive your support letter within 48 hours (Mon - Fri). Please note, from 30 October 2024, late processing fees of 50 USD are payable (applicable taxes will be payable)Please contact the registration team if you need further information.

ISC155 Program & Floorplans

We have now published the full Program - NEW! Updated with room changes (8-Nov-24) (pdf). The program includes all information on workshops, presentations, meetings and social events during the conference. Please note that the program is subject to change.

In order to have a smooth conference, we encourage delegates to familiarize themselves with the workrooms & floor plans - NEW! Updated with room changes (8-Nov-24) (pdf) document. This will help you plan your meetings during the customization phase of the Appointments Calendar (AppCal) before it opens for your delegate type.

If you are interested in contributing to the program please contact us.

Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities

The IATA Slot Conference provides the perfect opportunity to network over 700+ airline representatives representing 250+ unique airlines throughout the world. This twice yearly meeting attracts over 1,300+ delegates allowing both airlines and airports to meet, discuss and obtain the slots that will give them the best possible schedule to offer their customers.

Showcase your products and services to industry leaders, governments, international organizations, and subject matter experts.

Contact us to learn more about our Sponsorship & Exhibition opportunities, and secure your place at the 155th Slot Conference in Singapore! We are open to customizing an offer based on your business needs. In order to participate as an exhibitor or sponsor, it is not obligatory to be a slot coordinated airport (approximately 45% of exhibitors participating at the event are not slot coordinated). 

Please complete the form below and one of our team members get in touch with you shortly:

Interested in becoming an IATA Strategic Partner?

Benefit from discounts on sponsorship and exhibition rates. Get on Board!

Airport Slot Coordination Training

Widen your expertise and participate in one of our training courses! We offer two courses focusing on airport slots, the Airport Slots Management and Coordination course and our new course, Airport Slot Coordination: Policy and Regulation. You can attend both slots training courses also as virtual classroom courses.

Airport Slots Management and Coordination

Airport Slots Coordination: Policy and Regulation (NEW!)

Due to the growth of air traffic’, some airports are experiencing a discrepancy between available airport capacity and demand. Coordination involves the allocation of constrained or limited airport capacity to airlines and other aircraft operators to ensure a viable airport and air transport operation. Coordination is also a process to maximize the efficient use of airport infrastructure. This course will help you learn how to allocate and coordinate airport slots by applying the Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines (WASG), the accepted global standard for airport slot allocation.

What you will learn

  • Allocate slots according to the requirements and procedures for either facilitated (level 2) airports or coordinated (level 3) airports
  • Apply the standard procedures for communication between airlines and slot coordinators
  • Maximize your slot portfolio management capabilities
  • Apply slot procedures and understand the impact of international rules and regulations
  • Execute slot messages in compliance with SSIM Chapter 6
  • Analyze capacity constraints and historic slot eligibility

See course page for more information and registration!

The aviation industry faces enormous challenges as a result of insufficient airport infrastructure across the globe. The Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines (WASG) help the industry to meet ever-growing consumer demand for such infrastructure. The Airport Slot Coordination: Policy and Regulation course will provide you with an enhanced and balanced understanding of these challenges as well as the principles that have been developed to meet demand in a fair, transparent, and neutral way while promoting the most efficient use of scarce airport capacity.

What you will learn

  • Describe the global context of schedule planning in a constrained airport environment and how it relates to connectivity, competition, and consumer benefits of aviation
  • Explain the challenges posed by insufficient airport infrastructure
  • Detail the principles and objectives of the Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines Justify the need for transparency, flexibility, sustainability, certainty, and consistency in airport capacity allocation
  • Advocate for the optimization of scarce airport capacity

See course page for more information and registration!


These courses are available at IATA Training Centers, regional training partner locations, and on-demand as in-company training

Testimonials ​for the Airport Slots Management and Coordination course


Adam Mohamed - IOC Senior Operations Controller - Gulf Air

Gulf AirI attended the 3 day’s Airport slots and coordination classroom course to further expand my knowledge in the aviation field. I did anticipate difficulties in completing this course especially in such a short timeframe. However, the instructor taught in such a way the information was passed clearly, whereby we not only understood the content but were also able to apply this knowledge beneficially upon returning to duty.
I would recommend from my personal experience this course for anyone in the aviation Industry.​

Liva Ozolina - Scheduling and Slot Manager - AirBaltic

Air BalticEven though I have been working with slot handling messages and WSG for few years now, this course was very useful for strengthening my knowledge and for learning new specific details with well though examples on respective cases. I would suggest this course for everyone whose daily work is related to airport slots.​

​Md Ashraful Haque - Manager Operations-Schedules Planning - Biman Bangladesh Airlines

Biman Bangladesh AirlinesThough I had some previous hands-on experience on Airport Slots and Coordination procedures but in some critical cases I experienced some situations when it would get very difficult for me to find a solution. A sincere thanks to IATA for arranging such an advantageous course, which gives a clear idea about ins and outs of the airport slot coordination.
The course covers a wide range of information about scheduling guidelines and slot handling procedures.

Thank you to all delegates who attended the 155th IATA Slot Conference! If you missed any of the program sessions held in the speaker zone at the conference you can watch them below. We invite you to take a look at the ISC155 Photo Album. Additionally, we encourage you to view the digital copy of Air Service One magazine, supporting SC155!


Our Diversity & Inclusion Pledge

IATA believes that diversity of culture, gender, age, orientation and experience boosts the success of the aviation industry. We actively encourage aviation professionals with diverse profiles to contribute to our events as speakers, panelists, facilitators, or in any other way.


Held in

Supported by

Host Airline

Host Airport and Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

  • Zurich Airport logo

Bronze Sponsors

Media Partner

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