Pharmaceutical products are lucrative and fast-growing cargo commodities for businesses across the value chain. Are you qualified to claim your share? The pharmaceutical industry spends billions each year to ensure the reliable and compliant transport of its products, and its expectations for your cargo business are high. This diploma will prepare you with the regulatory and operational foundations you need to start handling temperature-controlled shipments and show you how to build specialized pharmaceutical services into your daily operations.
Diploma code: DIPL-78
Four specialized courses will give you a complete overview of the cold chain, allowing you to:
Key topics include
This highly specialized diploma program is recommended for management working in:
Feedback from past participants
Zvonimir Majic Ph.D., Director Global Quality Logistics, TEVA Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
After 20 years in aviation followed by 6 years in the pharmaceutical industry participating in IATA CEIV Pharma Training; Temperature-Controlled Cargo Operations and Audit, and Quality and Risk Management for Temperature Controlled Cargo, I was able to extend earlier gained knowledge on handling time and temperature sensitive pharmaceutical products in the air freight industry.
Specialized training for quality and risk management systems designed around auditing principles provided detailed and structured guidance on regulatory guidance, industry best practices, and qualification requirements. Both training courses offer comprehensive insight on current IATA initiatives related to requirements harmonization on handling and the transportation of temperature-sensitive pharmaceutical products.
Since the CEIV Pharma certification is already endorsed in the industry and regulatory environment, my expectation is that it will be broadly acknowledged as a valuable effort in enhancing pharmaceutical products' integrity during transport by air.
Navot Hirschhorn, Temperature Controlled & Special Products Manager, CAL Cargo Airlines
As CAL’s Temperature Controlled & Special Products Manager it’s critical that I am up to speed with the most advanced knowledge and expertise. CAL is an early adopter of industry regulations so it was clear that IATA’s training was an important process.Candidates must complete 4 Required courses and 1 Elective courses within three years.
A passing mark of 70% is required on all assignments and exams. A special distinction is awarded to candidates who obtain a distinction in all, or all but one, of all course exams and assignments that make up this Diploma.
This course provides a standard internal audit process you can immediately apply within your business to ensure compliance with common regulations and quality standards.
Learn the requirements of the healthcare industry for an air cargo logistics service provider, to become a player in the pharmaceutical logistics market.
Gain theoretical and practical knowledge on how to conduct a temperature mapping study related to storage areas designated for temperature-controlled healthcare products.
This course will bring you up-to-speed on container types and their special operating procedures so you can ensure your equipment and services meet industry requirements.
Learn how air cargo transport is regulated, the role of key stakeholders, and how Good Distribution Practices (GDP) are implemented beyond compliance.
Review the cargo system with an international perspective, focusing on the business, operations and regulatory fundamentals.
Gain the tools and techniques needed to ensure that your warehouse processes are safe, efficient and cost effective.
Learn effective techniques of managing Air Cargo Operations in order to save money, avoid risks, and enhance operations.
This comprehensive course covers all operational topics required for category 3 staff.