Aviation Security Management Diploma



About the diploma

4 courses to be completed in 3 years

IATA Aviation Security Management Diploma aviation training

An AVSEC Manager must have oversight of the multiple activities performed in day-to-day operations, while keeping on top of continuous regulatory development. This diploma validates your ability to manage your team, suppliers, resources, and business processes in line with current industry standards. With this industry recognized diploma, you will learn all the necessary security measures in response to dynamic security demands.

Download the Outline

Diploma code: DIPL-28

What you will learn

Upon completion of this diploma you will be able to:

  • Interpret the latest international regulatory requirements
  • Communicate effectively on aviation security with civil aviation authorities, airlines, and other airport-related agencies
  • Improve customer service in your facility by developing and implementing effective solutions
  • Identify and manage security risks
  • Develop senior management skills relating to international civil aviation security

Key Topics

  • International and national security legislation
  • Civil aviation security management responsibilities
  • Staff motivation, deployment and supervision
  • Technology and equipment in security
  • The threat to civil aviation past, present and future
  • Control of passenger and baggage
  • Security of cargo, catering and stores
  • Response to major security emergencies
  • Threat assessment and risk management
  • Security and facilitation – SeMS
  • Contract management and Service Level Agreements (SLA)
  • Fraud and smuggling

Who should attend

This Diploma is recommended for:

  • Managers responsible for implementing security policy and procedures
  • Security quality assurance managers
  • Senior and middle aviation security managers


Candidates must complete 3 Required courses and 1 Elective courses within three years.

A passing mark of 80% is required on all assignments and exams. A special distinction is awarded to candidates who obtain a distinction in all, or all but one, of all course exams and assignments that make up this Diploma.

How to obtain your diploma

  1. Complete all 3 Required and 1 selected Elective courses that make up the Diploma, within 3 years.
  2. Please contact us on our Customer Portal to request your diploma, stating the title of the diploma you are applying for and the list of courses you completed for that diploma.
  3. IATA Training will issue your diploma upon verification of your eligibility.

To receive the diploma candidates must complete

  • 3 Required courses
  • 1 Elective courses

Required courses

Elective courses

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Air Cargo Security (classroom)

Threat assessment and planning techniques to help your business comply with recent changes to air cargo security regulations.

  • English
  • Français
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Airspace Security and Risk Assessment (classroom)

IATA’s Airspace Security and Risk Assessment course focuses on managing airspace risks in civil aviation, particularly over or near conflict zones.

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Aviation Cyber Security (classroom)

This course will help your organization determine where to start in what can seem like a never-ending effort to protect your information and systems.

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Aviation Security Instructor Refresher (classroom)

This course covers the recurrent training requirements recommended by ICAO, EU, TSA, and other major security programs to help keep your organization compliant.

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Aviation Security Train the Trainer (classroom)

Learn how to design lesson plans and instructional aids based on performance objectives. Gain practical experience by preparing and presenting short lessons during class.

  • English
  • Italiano
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Behavioral Analysis and Predictive Screening Strategies (classroom)

Learn passenger security screening techniques that increase efficiency and throughput, including: questioning techniques and how to detect suspicious signs before making contact with a passenger.

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Emergency Planning and Response for Airports and GSPs (classroom)

Learn how to prepare and manage your team's response to airport emergencies by following ICAO and FAA standards and recommended practices.

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Security Audit and Quality Control (classroom)

Ensure your compliance with ICAO Annex 17 audit requirements, plus international and national security programs. Learn how to conduct audits and quality control across multiple security segments.

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Security Financial Planning and Optimization (classroom)

Plan your organization’s finances to maintain compliance and high standards to address new security regulations and effectively optimize your security and protection costs.

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Security Risk and Crisis Management (classroom)

Address security vulnerabilities in your organization and equip your facility to handle the aftermath of a crisis. Learn how to assess risks, develop a crisis plan and set up a crisis center.

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