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Noise, emissions and waste management
Learn how to responsibly address environmental challenges and the need to mitigate its environmental impact

Our environment training is designed to help you to responsibly address environmental challenges such as noise, emissions and waste management, and understand the economic principles of emissions cap-and-trade policies and carbon offset programs that impact aviation.

Environmental Sustainability

Develop your professional career with 3 levels of diploma!

Use the filters to find courses and diplomas that will help you get ahead in your career

Found 38 courses and diplomas

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Addressing Aircraft Noise Challenges (classroom)

Providing an overview of the various sources and impacts of noise with a review of the ICAO Balanced Approach to Aircraft Noise Management

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Aircraft Decommissioning: Regulations, Economics and Sustainability (classroom)

Business processes, operational experiences and best practices to optimize the residual value from aircraft decommissioning

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Aviation and the Environment (classroom)

Be up-to-date on aviation environmental issues and their management, with a special emphasis on new technology, improved operations and modernized methods of airspace and airport management.

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Aviation Fuel Management Essentials (classroom)

Follow the supply chain from refinery to delivery into the aircraft. Learn how to minimize fuel uplift and how fuel suppliers ensure the safe delivery of fuel.

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Carbon Markets and Aviation (classroom)

A brief history of airlines’ and IATA’s action to address climate, as well as the evolution of CORSIA (Carbon Offset and Reductions Scheme for International Aviation) at ICAO.

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CORSIA - Technical Aviation Knowledge for Verifiers (classroom)

Learn the aviation-specific knowledge that you will need to become an accredited verifier for ICAO’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)

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CORSIA Fundamentals (e-learning)

Learn more about the different industry initiatives to tackle climate change and how CORSIA fits in with these initiatives

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Design a Sustainability Strategy - Advanced (classroom)

This course is designed to empower you to design your own sustainability strategy that is aligned with your corporate strategy and supported by a well-thought-out plan.

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Design a Sustainability Strategy - Fundamentals (classroom)

Implement measures to achieve short, medium and long-term benefits from a social and environmental perspective while being conscious of financial sustainability.

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Design a Sustainability Strategy - Intermediate (classroom)

This course focuses on designing a sustainability strategy for your company by providing an overview of how you design a sustainability strategy but with more in-depth information on some elements.

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Environment and Sustainability - University of St Gallen (classroom)

Learn how airlines and airports are trying to reduce and minimize their environmental impact, as well as their plans for continued future improvement.

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Environmental Management System - Advanced (classroom)

Learn how to develop risk mitigation plans and design compliance strategies.

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Environmental Management Systems (classroom)

Learn how to design and develop an aviation-specific management system that drives environmental performance